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James' POV

Believe it or not, I think Riley is ignoring me or at the very least. She's avoiding me. I don't even know if she's coming to our Gig tonight
Walking into Studio A, I thought that she couldn't avoid me if I came to the one place I knew she would be, I glance into the office to see Kate sat there. She is usually in staff meeting with Riley at this time so like this isn't a good sign
"If you are looking for Miss Popular. She just finished another Riley's Corner, she has about 10 minutes before she starts another one" Miss Kate said, I nodded and smiled heading to Riley's space. Nobody else uses this room except her, it's her personal locker at this point

As I walk in I'm greeted with the view of Riley with her head in between her knees. She looked stressed, she looked like she hasn't slept in go now how long. She's been avoiding me for around 5 days now. Maybe that has something to do with it
"So, you gonna tell me why you are avoiding me?" I asked causing Riley to jump, she placed her hand on her chest trying to calm her breathing before looking at me and then breaking the gaze
She didn't say anything, instead she got up and started to pace around picking and placing things here and there. Probably waiting for her next class
"Ri!" I said loudly causing her to look at me
"Why aren't you talking to me?" I asked and she sighed
"I can't tell you" She whispered, I shook my head in disagreement before stepping forward. Riley put her hand out to stop me getting closer before she took a step back herself
"Riley" I muttered making her look at me with tears threatening to come out of her eyes
"Woah, whatever I did. I'm sorry.." I mumbled and she wiped the tears instead of allowing them to fall
"You don't get it James, you can't apologise for something you don't know you even did" She said as he voice broke with every word
"Then tell me what I did Riley! Let me make it better" I begged trying to step towards her again but she shook her head walking over to the bench. I couldn't take No for an answer, I needed to make this right

We sat there in silence for a minute or two before she looked at me again
"Why James" She whispered
"Why what?" I asked still none the wiser about what I did
"Why did you go to his hotel room" she asked making everything finally crystal clear..
"Riley I-" I started before she cut me off
"James what you have done is not just but me in danger but you've put yourself in danger too" she said, I looked at her confused
"What?" I asked
"Lucas is now on this hell bent mission to hurt me and his plan involves taking you down too" she continued
"how do you?" I asked
"A friend from Julliard came to visit to warn me" She said
"Riley look I didn't mean to" I confessed. If I had known in the long run it would lead to this.. I wouldn't have done it
"Look James, I need some space and time. I need to figure out how to sort this without either of us getting hurt" Riley replied
"Ri you don't need to do this alone, let me help you. I got you-" I started but once again she cut me off
"You've done enough James once again.. I'm fixing your mess" she said making me stand up. I won't lie, that hurt all I was doing was trying to help her
"look Riley, I get your scared, I get your on your last point before break but don't sit there and do that. Yes I know it's my fault but if you won't let me fix it then don't attack me for it" I replied
"Like I said James, I need some space" she said avoiding eye contact with me, I scoffed before leaving
Guess that answers my question about tonight then...


Riley's POV 

I had to take this into my own hands, I know what I just said would hurt James but I knew that if I said it.. he wouldn't follow me 
Me being me, I wasn't stupid enough to go into this empty handed or without someone knowing what was going on which is why I turned to Luke and John to some degree
I planned on being there for their concert tonight but depending on how this goes, I don't know if I'll be able to make it, how ever the boys know where I will be and they to keep an eye on James
"Hey Miss Kate, I'm sorry but I've had something come up and I'm having to cancel classes for tonight and tomorrow" I said walking into her office, Miss Kate looked up from her laptop and nodded
"Is everything okay Riley?" She asked and I shrugged
"Want to talk about it? I saw James come to you and then 5 minutes walk out in a rage." She confessed, I truly never meant to hurt him like that. I swear..
"Yeah, just a little disagreement, you know us" I replied making her chuckle lightly
"Jiley at it again?" She asked and I nodded

I remember the old Jiley day's. The whole studio came up with that pet name. It was sweet but also just a way for them to instantly group James and I together
Back then my biggest worry was Beth. Beth of all people. James truly hurt me with what he did but I am more then I thought I was back then, all the arguments and fights have always made us stronger. When I came back to Toronto from New York, I thought I would find him happy with someone else, I had it all planned in the back of my head that I wouldn't fall into his arms again but yet here I am doing just that
When I told Piper I didn't fall in and out of love with James I meant it. 
There has never been a moment, a time where I haven't loved James, it's so bad that I'm at the point of having to fight the urge to tell him that I still love him
But look at me, I'm a mess
I have a psycho ex chasing me with his path of destruction and the last thing I want is for James to get hurt for my mistake of allowing Lucas' into my life
If I was to ever truly try with James again I want this all to be another distant memory of the past
I don't want there to be any chance of disruption of hurt in our sights
I want everything to be as perfect as it was the day I finally admitted I had fallen in love with that boy 
Because at the end of the day, it's always been James and it always bloody will be 

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