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Riley's POV

"Riley I did it!" Piper said running into Riley's Corner, lucky for her my final session had just ended
"What did you do P?" I asked picking up some of the turning boards scattered around the floor
"I got the solo!" She chimed, I looked at her with a wide smile on my face before giving her the biggest hug I could muster
"I'm so proud of you Pipes. Show me what you've got!" I exclaimed and Piper smiled
"This was my audition!" Piper said hooking her phone up to the speaker, I smiled as she began to dance 

Piper has come such a long way as dancer since she started here at The Next Step and it's been incredible watching her continue to grow
She's always been a little sister to me regardless on James' and I relationship status. She reminds me too much of me sometimes the similarities are uncanny
"That was incredible P, no wonder you got the solo"I said hugging her again
"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you intense practices Riles, any chance I could steal you for an hour regularly" She said smiling trying to fish clearly
"Of course you can, I would be happy to move some things around for you" I replied

We decided since I was finished for the day that we would head to Lost & Found to see the boys and to tell James the good new
Walking in the band were all sat in the green room but James wasn't there
"Hey guys" I replied walking in
"What are you doing here?" Theo asked wide eyed, I turned to Piper who looked just as confused as I was
"We came to see you guys and to tell James some good news" I said making it sound like a question
"Alright what about-" James started before being cut off
"HI RILEY AND PIPER!" Theo yelled making both Piper and I wince at his loudness, I glanced over at James who instantly hid a piece of paper behind his back. I furrowed my brows walking closer to try and get the piece of paper
"What are you doingg?" James sung moving away from me
"What are you hiding?" I asked almost catching him. As soon as he was close enough, John took the piece of paper out of his hand and sitting on it
I looked at the two of them and crossed my arms
"I can be here all day, you've got to get up at some point" I replied making James' eyes widen
"Have we shown you the rose room recently?" Luke said clearly trying to distract me
"Nice try" I replied taking a seat on the seat at the table.
Piper stood behind me looking just as confused
"Count of three?" James suggested, all the boys nodded and both Piper and I looked at each other before dreading what was about to happen
"1" Theo started as him and Luke walked towards Piper
"2" James said looking down at me
"er, 3" John said rising to his feet
John ran out of that room and before Piper or I could do anything, James had me tucked into his grasp with no escape in sight and Luke was doing the same to Piper. Theo standing around in case one of managed to get escape
"You know, I don't think James deserves the news now" Piper said as we were finally released
"I think your right Pip" I replied glaring at James
"No no, I like news. What's the news" James whined
"What as shame" I said taking Pipers hand walking out of the green room

James' POV

"That was close!" John said finally re-joining us, I rolled my eyes slumping back on the sofa
"Can we like make a code word instead of yelling, something that won't alert Riley that something is going on" I suggested
"we'll say porcupine" Theo said proudly, I looked at him, he was most definitely the worlds most strangest guy
" Why porcupine. That'll never come up" Luke exclaimed
"Exactly! Which means we won't accidentally use it" Theo explained. I hate to admit it but maybe the boy has a point...

We continued to practice and managed to smash out some more writing before the boys had to leave again.
This album ordeal is really testing my writing skills but it's truly helping me manage my feelings towards Riley. Being able to put those feelings into words really helps me realise how much she truly means to me
"Hey" Marie said coming over and joining me
Marie started working here slightly after I did. She is a cool girl although she reminds me a lot of Beth
"So what is going on with you and Riley now a days?" She asked, I looked at her with a furrowed brow. In reality Riley and I haven't spoken about that kiss the other day. We're taking it one day at a time
"Nothing, we're taking it one day at a time"  I reiterated. I looked at her and she scootched a little closer
"Does that mean you are free Friday night?" Marie asked. Out of all the time we have been working together, she choses now to shoot her shot
"I don't think that is a good idea, we work together Marie" I replied and she chuckled shaking her head
"Exactly and we always work better together. Even Mr T thinks so" Marie said now practically on my lap, I try to scoot away but to my dismay there was a wall in the way
"Look Marie you are a nice girl and all but" I started before being cut off. 
Being cut off was the least of my worries, how she cut me off on the other hand.. That was an issue
She pressed our lips together and as I went to push her away I notice the door to Lost & Found closing, please please don't tell me Riley just saw that

I walked out of Lost & Found and straight to The Next Step. Walking in I saw Riley and Miss Kate in her office. She looked like she had been sat with her for a while.. So who ran out of Lost & Found and how much did they see...

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