Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV:

Percy and I were sitting on the dock. He made the water splash me and I giggled and hit him playfully. It was summer. We were going to got to college in New Rome in the fall, but right then we were perfectly content to lay around at Camp Half Blood. We were just enjoying one another's company when something fell out of the sky and into the water. 

Percy scrambled to stand up, and I just sat there for a minute before registering what had happened. Percy, for once, was way ahead of me. He held his hands up and the water split to reveal a human figure laying at the bottom. 

It looked very strange. It had the shape of a human, but it had black ears sticking out of it's blonde hair and a belt-like tail thing sticking out of it's black bodysuit. I didn't think it was a monster, though. It stood up and started walking towards us. "I hate water." It mumbled as it climbed up to shore. Percy let the water splash back down once  it was out.

"What- er -who are you?" I asked it. "I'm Chat Noir." He (I'd figured out it was male by then) told me. I stared at him. "A superhero?" He prompted. "C'mon, how do you not know who I am?" He wriggled his eyebrows at me. Percy stepped in front of me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Um, I fell out of the sky." Chat Noir said. I rolled my eyes.

"What my boyfriend means to say," I said with an emphasis on 'boyfriend', "Is that we wonder how we can help you get out of here." Subtlety was not on my side today, but whatever. Chat Noir blinked. "Okay, I don't really need help. All I want to know is how far away am I from Paris?" I looked at him, shocked. "This is Long Island Sound, New York." Percy told him.

"Oh." Chat Noir looked surprised. "In that case, I may need a bit of help. Oh, and some Camembert cheese if you don't mind." Percy and I exchanged a look. Who did this so-called superhero think he was, waltzing into our camp and requesting expensive cheese? Which brought up another question, how was he here? Only gods and demigods were supposed to be able to pass through the magical borders. Especially since we had the Athena Parthenos  strengthening the barrier. So, which was this 'Chat Noir'? Was he a god or a demigod?

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Thanks so much for reading! Please let me know in the comments what you think! I don't really know how often I will be updating, but I really hope y'all keep reading! 

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