Chapter 43: Stay Alive

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She smiled a bit as she watched her brother walk away, seeing her own attempt at saving the wounded husked away to the castle. Surely it hurt her to lie but in truth, it wasn't an entirely a lie. Maybe they would have her run into the fire, maybe they would not! Preferably not but compared to the officials and head doctors, Dr. Alloy and Drista had little say in the matter.

Wiping her forehead of sweat that had built up, doing her best not to breathe in the smoking air, turning around to see a certain blond running straight towards her. No time to react until he was shouting through the crowds.

"Drista! Big Man! What the heck are you doing here?" The boisterous teen yelled, but any of that positivity he usually had was drained due to the circumstances that surrounded them.

"I could you ask you the same thing," she yelled back before a young kid that was crying happened to be shoved into her arms. Drista's attention was immediately switched to the child, cleaning off the blood and soot and quickly handing them to someone more experienced. Feeling how Tommy stared at her in shock but these were just classic skills she picked up in her life. "Now, where's your parents?"

She saw Tommy's face pale a bit, him looking towards the ground. "Alive at the palace, I hope. To be honest- I kind of lost my group during-" his sentence was interrupted by a skull landing in the distance, people screaming in agony and more medics rushing to the new sight of wounded.

Tommy was not used to this. Everything before the kidnapping, his life could be described as decent. Days spent in school with his best mate, Tubbo. Running afterschool to Wilbur's shop, joking around while doing homework. Welcoming Drista into their group when she arrived, a land of total bliss.

But this? This was all different. Different in that he could hardly recognize Drista, her hair mixed with ash as her hands stained redder with every patient treated. To think someone only about 2 years younger than himself was doing so much.

"I suggest you go-" her sentence was interrupted by the screams of young children, looking off in the short distance and seeing a tree set aflame and leaning against a building her brother described far too often.

"You see that building over there?" Dream pointed as Drista nodded, the two walking through the springtime. A therapy that the doctors had recommended, walking throughout the town and seeing the good in the world.

"Yeah, what about it?"

Dream smiled a bit, Drista watching as a few young children ran outside, two adults accompanying the group. "It's the orphanage I grew up in, Nadia adopted me when I was nine. Where I met George and Sapnap too!"

Drista saw the building's fire worsen, some of the older kids running as a few adults tried to carry the youngest children. Cursing under her breath and in a medic's instinct, she ran towards the fire.

"Drista! What are you doing!?" Tommy yelled, running after her. At this point, Drista had surely lost her mother's whereabouts but right now, her priorities were set on saving the children in that building. The kids in that building were children just like her, no blood to call her own, people just like her!

"My job!" She yelled back, seeing a few medics rush with her to the scene. Ignoring the other teen's protests and getting her instructions. "I'm simply doing my job, Tommy."

Run into the kitchen, located at the back left of the building and retrieve anyone alive, the youngest are at a priority.

"Drista, please!" Tommy yelled, laying his hands on her shoulders as Drista looked up. "I'm not letting you run in after all the work we did to keep you alive. Dream would be pissed if he finds out I let you go," Tommy tried to force any humor in the situation, but his attempts were utterly unsuccessful. "Just- please don't go."

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