Chapter 36: Memoria

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A/N: So, a few announcements before the chapter. Another one of these specials for reads on both platforms! Wow, that's a lot if you think about it. Again, canon to the storyline, from a perspective we don't see as much nowadays! Hope you enjoy the chapter

Also... as I'm writing this chapter, I only have one pre-written chapter for release dates for schedule will be slightly random. Usually being released every 7-10 days, depends how the writing is going. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!


"Everyone, off the bed!" One of the women clapped her hands as the boys and girls ran up to their sleeping quarters, all in the identical white pajamas. Air felt cold as the young Sapnap help the hand of his older friend, George.

Five years old, his memory filled of growing up at the orphanage. George always seemed to look after him, and that always brightened Sapnap's day. George was 10 and recently, Sapnap met someone new. His name was Dream and he was 7. They had gotten close, giving themselves a name, The Dream Team. "George! Dream!" Sapnap whined as he hid behind them both. "I'm not tired, I don't want to go to sleep yet!"

Sapnap looked up as Dream lifted him right off his feet. The dark-haired boy thought it was so cool how Dream was so strong. He hoped that when he was a big kid, he would be strong, just like Dream! "Well, Pandas. We got to go to sleep. I'm sure George will tell you a very good bedtime story," Dream said as Sapnap giggled, hopping out of his grip and running up the stairs with the other children.

Sapnap sat on the edge of his bed, Dream sat beside him as George sat across, a blanket draped over him. "And then... the scary villain came out!" He gave an attempt of an evil smile while Sapnap gasped, clinging on to Dream.

"Then what?"

George smiled and rocked his legs back and forth. "Then, our hero protected his friends and stepped forward, holding a super shiny and cool sword."

"What color was the sword?" Sapnap asked eagerly, eyes lighting up.

George gave a small laugh and pretended that the toy sword under his bed was a majestic weapon. "It glowed in the dark, and it was white, like a star! Super-duper shiny, Sapnap." Sapnap nodded and let George continue the story. "Using his magic powers, the hero flew into the sky and started fighting the super scary ghost!" George started acting out the scene, making childlike sound effects and swinging his arms around, making all of them laugh and gasp in awe.

"The hero had won the fight and was about to send the ghost back but then he was the evil ghost crying! It turns out that the villain was super sad and lonely, so the hero helped him find his family and they all lived happily ever after!"

Sapnap sat there for a bit before crossing his arms. "No fighting or anything?" He asked while Dream ended up tucking the youngest of their trio into bed when the adults said lights would go out soon. It was a simple routine. George and Dream would do their best to keep the mischievous Sapnap in line, give him as normal of a childhood as they could. Like older brothers, not that they would ever admit their attachment to him.

Dream just smiled at him while Sapnap watched George lay down, already heading off to sleep. "Not all stories end in one guy beating the other. In a perfect world, everyone can win," Dream smiled and lay down in his own bed.

"But we don't live in a world like that," little Sapnap spoke, before holding the panda plushie close. "Nighty night, Dream. Good night, Georgie!" He smiled and was out like a light like most children do.

His dreams were filled with normal childhood wishes. Unlimited supplies of sweets and all the pandas Sapnap could ever want. Yet his journey to the land of slumber was interrupted by quiet noises of shifting and child-like whimpering.

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