Chapter 21: Learning

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Arc 2: Bloodline


The new year has arrived, and it would hopefully be one much better than the last. The air was cool, and the winter wind blew strongly in the morning. However, it was warm enough to be out and like most mornings, Dream got up with the sun and grabbed his equipment, getting ready to head out. George had an appointment so it would be just Dream and Iris for today. It wasn't as if he minded, she provided good company.

Besides, the clinic was busier than ever. It was odd truthfully, there has been a drastic increase in injuries and deaths from attacks due to the monsters that lurked in the area. Apparently being in the town's clinic for most of the day and then alone at home for the rest of the time wasn't the best for anyone's mental state.

Slipping out the door and walking through the streets, already seeing a few monsters. "I guess the rumors are true," Dream smiled and shot a stray few arrows at the ones which approached them, getting them back and continuing to make his way to the training area. He could see how Iris was already gearing up and practicing with a blade.

"Hey Dream, you're late-" Iris smirked, standing up straight whilst stretching out her right arm. "You sleep in?"

Dream shook his head and put the backpack down on the ground, rolling his eyes at her antics. "Some monsters strayed onto the main path. Had to clear them, don't want to add more pressure on the clinic," he smiled and got out his blade. "I see you've been practicing, you ready?"

Iris nodded and prepared for their morning training. The two had spent the morning using the blades. 'Soon, I can teach her to use an axe,' Dream smiled to himself as they both sat on the steps, drinking water and taking their short break. They would chat a bit, see what happened in the bit where they hadn't seen each other.



"If you could revive anybody, in the entire world, who would it be?" Iris smiled, taking a sip of water. She thought about it for a second herself before coming up with a proper answer. "Think I would bring back my dog. Love him," she spoke, looking off at the empty area.

Dream had to think about the question greatly. His parents, any pets, the teacher that supported him greatly throughout his childhood. In the end, he did come up with an answer that he was sure of. "My sister," he responded, fidgeting with his hands.

"How come?"

"Well, with everyone else in my life, I can be content with the time I spent with them. She was only a baby, a few weeks old. Yeah-"

"Sorry- didn't mean to-"

"No don't worry about it, from the top?" he asked, watching Iris nod. They both returned to their drills and any pointers Dream could provide. They spent the rest of the morning until it was time to go their separate ways.


The late afternoon had arrived, and Dream was in the house, helping with lunch. They wanted to make sure George's wounds healed alright so Bad and George were out at the clinic, leaving Sapnap and Dream alone.

While things have not returned to normal, they were fine. Conversation could be made without much awkwardness, and everything seemed at ease. That is, unless something was brought up.

"So... I'm going to see my biological Aunt in three days," he brought up casually as if it was nothing. Then again, they talked about a lot of things casually. "She lives all the way in Caiya, apparently."

"Wait, isn't that the island south of here? Half a day's journey on a quick boat for sure. You want me to come with you?" Dream asked the other, watching him shake his head.

Caiya was a territory of Minilus, a great tourist attraction for its many intricate builds and culture, along with being the leader in advancing technology as well. However, despite being a territory to Minilus, it remains one of the most hermit-like places on the planet.

"I'll be fine. It's just a few days and I'll tell you all about the hermit country," Sapnap snickered, finishing up the rabbit stew. "You're going to be with George for most of the day, Bad is going to the market with Skeppy. Something about-" he paused his sentence and spoke dramatically to finish it, mocking Bad's higher voice; "The new sales at the market!" Dream laughed a bit, setting the bowls on the table. So much based on a little journal they found in the caverns.

The door opened and out came the rest of the group. He watched as Bad walked in the room and George went straight to the dark sleeping quarters without slipping a word. "So, did it go well?" Dream looked over, waving at them.

"Two more weeks and George will be cleared for all activities. They gave him some meds which is why he's just-" Bad smiled and gestured to the closed door, "asleep."

They nodded and ate quietly, having George join him one he was done with his beauty sleep. Life was peaceful, content, everything seemed to be okay. Looking down at the bracelet he kept on his left wrist, smiling at half of the charm which was on it. To find the other half, now that, would be everything.

But baby steps were being taken, and he was learning. Every piece of knowledge that the crystal caverns opened for them. It would take time, time to heal, and time to learn, but for once... that time was there.


"Please, sir. We can't do it yet!" A voice spoke quietly, backing away from the other. The room was dark and cold. Timid yet deep.

"Give me one good reason why we have to wait?"

"It'll have more of an effect when they figure out how... you know."

The other figure thought about it before nodding in agreement. "I suppose we wouldn't want to execute the plan too soon." They smirked before looking out at the window which only let peepholes of sunlight go through. "Watch and learn, Eret. Watch and learn." 

Broken Together (MCYT au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें