''There's nothing to be worried about. After all I am a grown adult and I can keep myself safe'' I try to calm her down.

''I know, but we are still worried about you, this is very unlike you'' she says so quietly I could barely hear her with the worry in her voice.

''I am doing this to find myself'' I tell her standing my ground.

She continued to question me and I answered all her questions and by the end of our talk I could tell she felt a lot calmer. I know it wasn't right to leave without any explanation or give them heads up or even visit them before I left, but somehow it feels right here, I don't feel regret, I feel energized, and I haven't felt like that in months.

I went back to my hotel and checked some flights, deciding my next destination is going to be in Italy. I had to leave in 5 days, which isn't enough time to see all of France, but is enough for one trip.

I wasn't born in a wealthy family or even close to that, I would say we were 'comfortable' and me and my sister always had clothes and shoes and new school supplies if we needed them. I had been saving up money since I was 13 and I was thinking I was gonna spend this money on a house, on my wedding and other big purchases in my life. But now, here I am spending the money I had saved on a trip around Europe. Some might think I am stupid for it, and maybe I am but on what else would I spend it on now that I am alone?

  5 days later

The past few days passed with an blink of an eye and I was packing again and leaving for airport to continue my trip to Italy. I have to say I started to fell lonely at some times here. Not like I have someone back in New York, but at least there I was around people who spoke my language and I could understand them. Here I felt a little bit like an outsider you could say? I shrug off the sad thoughts and continued to pack.

I got to the airport and left a voicemail for my mom letting her know that I was on my way to Italy and for her no to worry.

I landed in Italy about in two hours and got a taxi to drive me to my hotel. This time I remembered to book it before landing in Italy.

I got there and settled in my hotel room while it was starting to dawn outside. As I was looking through my suitcase I found a little black dress that I had packed without realizing it. I looked at it and thought to myself 'maybe I should go clubbing tonight, see what's out there'. I kept the thought in my mind for a while and decided not to go for it, instead I got in my pj's and decided to watch some TV in my hotel room and rest for the night.

I had watched 2 seasons of my favorite TV show and my Ice cream that I had ordered had ended. It was around 9pm and the black dress was staring at me once again and this time I gave in. I got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower, did my hair and makeup. I went to put on my dress and paired it with some black heels.

I walked to the mirror before exiting my room and admired myself. 'Damn I look hot' I thought to myself, realizing I never really wore anything like that because George didn't like thigh clothes that showed a little too much skin for his liking. 'Fuck him' I said angrily and left my room.

This time I was staying in an area where there was a lot of clubs and bars and I picked the one that I felt the most drawn to. I walked right up to security and he let me in. It was crowded with men and women, and in the far right corner of the club were girls strip dancing. I walked up to the bar and ordered myself a Sex on the beach. I slowly drank my drink while looking around to read the people who were in this club with me. It was definitely a pretty famous club as there were people of all ages and all genders. The younger guys were mostly around the striping pole area while the older men were playing poker in the distance. And girls my age were owning the dance floor.

While I was looking around I noticed that my drink had ended and went to order a new one. The bartender got me my drink and I thanked him as I could see it was a rough night tonight as there were so many people screaming at him to get their orders. I looked at the dance floor at all the people again when I could feel someone sit next to me. I turned to face them as I could feel they were staring.

''Hi, beautiful, are you new here? I have never seen you here before'' He asked me with a smile on his face and I could tell he was a little drunk and made me feel a little uncomfortable, but I shook off the feeling and took a sip from my drink.

''Hi, yes it's my first time here'' I replied hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions and turned back around facing away from him, slowly sipping my drink.

''Tell me about yourself then'' He asked almost hearing demanding. As I turned around to face him once again, the bartender had come to rescue and asked the man to leave me alone as I guess he saw me feeling uncomfortable.

''Fuck off, don't you have people to serve?'' The stranger besides me said to the bartender not wanting to leave me alone.

''Do you want me to call the boss?'' The bartender said and the man next to me gulped and without saying anything stood up and left, now looking more scared than mad.

'Damn, this man is really that scared of his boss, he must really want to keep his job' I thought to myself as I finished my drink and watched the man disappear in the crowd. I put the glass down and went to the ladies room to freshen up a bit and hoping it would be less crowded there.

I went into the bathroom cabin and checked my phone. It was 1am here. I went to text my sister and tell her a little bit about my trip so far. As I got out of the cabin to go to the mirror I started to feel really dizzy. I looked for someone who could help me but no one was here. I heard a loud sound in the distance that I could not distinguish and felt my body give up on me as everything turned black and my body hit the restroom floor.

The Lucarelli queenWhere stories live. Discover now