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"Do you want to join me and Canada for lunch tomorrow? I'm not sure if he's bringing anyone, and my two other siblings may join," America asked from the couch, phone in hand. It was an innocent invitation, an attempt to strengthen their new friendship.

Russia appreciated it. He opened his mouth to agree, before remembering that Ukraine was Canada's roommate. He'd love to have lunch with America and Canada, but Ukraine...

He flinched visibly and squeezed his eyes shut.

"We're family! We shouldn't fight with each other!" Belarus said, attempting to calm everyone down.

"Well yeah-?" Ukraine shouted, frustrated, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Maybe he isn't my family then!" Russia retorted rashly, equally as pissed. He covered his mouth as soon as the words tumbled out of his mouth. "I- I didn't mean that-"

Ukraine's eyes widened and Russia knew there was no taking back his words— the damage was already done. The Ukrainian left the house with no other words, his cloak swishing from behind him—

A warm hand touched his arm. "Hey, are you okay?"

Russia opened his eyes to see America looking at him, concerned. "You don't have to go if you don't want to," America said gently.

"No, it's not that, um... could you check if Canada's bringing anyone?" Russia replied, releasing his tensed muscles.

"Sure." America fiddled with his phone, sending a text. He stared at the phone waiting for a reply.

Hey >
Are u bringing anyone with u for lunch l8tr >

< Uki, if he wants to tag along
< Why?

Just asking >
Rus might come along >
Don't even think about it >

< Think about what?

You know what I mean >

< Lmfao

America looked up from his phone, smirking. "Nada says he's bringing Ukraine along."

"Oh," Russia said, looking a little worried. "I think I'll have to pass."

"Because of Ukraine?" America asked, confused. Ukraine and Russia had been close for as long as he could remember—

"We... we had an argument, and I said some things I shouldn't have-" Russia paused, guilt crashing over him.

"...I think he hates me now."

"Hey," America said firmly, although not unkindly. "Look at me. It's better to try to fix your relationship with Ukraine now before it's too late, okay? If things go wrong you're free to leave, and don't forget Nada and I will be there to try and de-escalate any possible conflict. So, what do you say?"

Russia took a shaky breath, trying not to lose his nerves. "Okay. Okay, I'll have lunch with you guys. I'll try."

"Proud of you," America's facial features softened, offering him a small smile.

"Thanks," Russia muttered.

As they finished their last class for the morning, Russia paused outside of the classroom. "I'm not sure if this is the right choice..."

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