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"he's showing signs of consciousness, teresa! consciousness!" thomas was shouting as he paced around her living room.

"that's great! i told you he was gonna wake up."

"no, i told myself that."

"no! i told you it!"

"you did not."

"yes i did."

"you didn't!"

"yes i- oh whatever i did or didn't do, he's going to wake up, tom!"

"i know!"

"does minho and those know?" teresa questioned, sitting down on her sofa.

"yeah. the doctors were going to ring him after they had spoken to me." he smiled.

she nodded in understanding. "good. oh, i'm really glad. i cant wait for everything to be back to normal. or, pretty much back to normal."

"neither. tomorrow do you wanna come to the hospital with chuck and i?"

"of course."

Lilies ✦ Newtmas / Thominewt AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora