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over a month ago (1 month and 24 days, to be exact. thomas had counted), newt got into a car accident. his head was injured quite a bit, and from the trauma and bleeding from the brain, he went into a coma. (im not a doctor forgive me if any of this doesnt make sense) the brunette had spent everyday visiting him, begging that he'll wake up. the doctors were beginning to think he might not wake up, as you usually woke up within a few weeks, or showed signs of consciousness by a few weeks. newt had done neither, the only signs he was alive were, well, his breathing, heart rate and whatever else.

thomas refused to give up on newt - he would wake up. he knew it. he couldn't bare to think what would happen without the blond. he'd miss him so much. he just.. wouldn't be able to do anything.

so, he holds on to that hope and forces to believe in it.

Lilies ✦ Newtmas / Thominewt AUWhere stories live. Discover now