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then, the day after aswell.

thomas rearranged the flowers he had taken, before going over to the lilies and rearranging those as well.

"they're beautiful, arent't they, newt?" he took a smell of the flowers. "i best be off. love you."

walking out of the room, he practically jumped out of his skin when he was spoken to.

"hey!" a voice, then a chuckle. "sorry for scaring you. i'm minho."

"oh, hello. i'm thomas. it's fine, i get scared really easily." he laughed weakly, not knowing what to think of the conversation starting.

"it's nice to meet you, thomas!" minho put his hand out for the boy to shake, which he did.

"nice to meet you too." he probably looked rather confused, because minho seemed to pick up on it.

"i was just wondering how you know newt?" he smiled weakly. "we're his friends, and we've noticed you a few times so our nosy selves just wanted to know." he laughed, but quickly regained his seriousness. "of course, if you don't want to tell us then don't feel pressured to."


"oh. that makes sense. don't worry, i was nosy as well. i saw the flowers you left and got interested." he shrugged. "but, um, newt and i are.. friends. we met a while ago."

he didn't want to say they were dating just incase newt didn't want anyone to know.

"cool, cool." he nodded in thought. "well, these are my friends. there's alby and frypan here. the others have left already because they're dumb shanks."


"oh, sorry. we have a secret language we made up when we were younger so we couldn't get told off for swearing. habits."

thomas smiled. "that's smart. damn, why didn't i think of that?"

"who knows, man."

they stood in silence for a bit, but not necessarily an awkward one.

"well, i best be off. it was nice meeting you, minho."

"good that."

Lilies ✦ Newtmas / Thominewt AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن