"How was your sleep?" Namjoon's deep voice peeks into Jimin's ear, scaring him in the early morning. He is not used to a man's voice in the morning and especially this thick voice when he's still not over last night's drinks.

"Good. Good," he gives a thumbs up, his eyes still closed as he tries to adjust to the brightness. While Namjoon nods, informing him about the breakfast and leaves.

"Wait. Namjoon… why don't you get mad at me?" His small voice makes Namjoon think. He was sleepy, his senses still roaming somewhere around the room while he asked the question. 

Namjoon had an answer on his tongue, his heart on his palm to hand it over to his man but he was in senses, wide awake, unlike Jimin. 

He was ready to give it all but does Jimin even want anything?

Stepping towards the bed, he reaches his tiny man. Well, not so tiny. His dark gaze was filled with all the love he had but only if Jimin could see it. He knew Jimin wouldn't want this, wouldn't want what he wants. His long slender fingers dug in a soft mesh of hair as he unlocks a few bunches of them, smoothly ruffling them while Jimin leans in the touch. A soft, tired groan escapes his edges. While replacing the aching smile of Namjoon with a hearty, warming one. 

"You can sleep for more if you want," he mutters, his gaze admiring Jimin while the man nods in his touch and a yawn passes his edges. 

Oh… soft and perfect lips

How perfect would it be to kiss him?

No less than heaven!

"Why don't you sleep too? It's so early," his words didn't make any sense. Namjoon nodded without giving any reply to him. 

"Sleep now. I'll take your leave," he bids him goodbye and starts to walk off but a question stops him.

"You like me, don't you?" Jimin was smirking, his eyes still closed but he imagined Namjoon's reactions faultlessly. He knew how he would react and how he would turn pale hearing this.

"Y/n, please eat something. You shouldn't skip your breakfast," Jungkook's voice sounded stern but his words were of a pleading attitude. You stood up, scooting away from Bam as you raised your brows against Jungkook. 

"What? I am asking you to eat food!" He clears himself while your hand digs in your sweatpants to fetch something. Finding the packet right there, you pull it out and open it to show it to him.

"And I am just asking you to stop smoking," you were serious and he realized that. A sigh escapes his dark edges as he brushes his nose in anxiety, his hand stretching to grab his box full of death sticks. 

"Nah!" You close your palm, forming a fist while his teeth jab in his lower lip, probably thinking of ways to snatch the box from you.

"I will try, in fact, I am trying, okay? For now… give it to me," he pleads, taking a step near you while a denial nod from you results in a whine from him.

"Y/n. Please, it's not something to play with. I promise I will stop smoking," his tone was reaching overtones, showing he wasn't having your interference. 

Two months have passed since you promised the same...

"Why? Why is it so hard to leave it?" You ask, your heart somewhere fearing that you are pushing his limits. His annoyed stare meets with your teary one as he shuts his eyes. A moment passes with him standing without any motion while you prepare yourself to hear his side. 

Surprisingly, he moves his large palms securing your cheeks beneath them as he holds you close to him. Your eyes lock with him, meeting the love behind those annoyances once again. 

"Love, please don't cry. It's not your fault. I… I will stop smoking. I promise this time… it's not a lie. Forgive me please, honey. What a jerk I am, right? I always give you pain and hurt! Nothing except them," his voice gets lower near the end as you shake your head in between his hands.

"No… Jungkook…" he cuts you off, his doubts prickling him once again.

"No. It's the truth. You pay for everything I have done. You get hurt because of me, every time! Every fcking time. You… you got so badly hurt because of my stupid actions, my overconfidence that it took my so confident y/n away, the one who used to live so fully, so bold. My… my actions took everything out of you while… while you kept loving me? For what?! I… I don't even deserve you. And I know that but I still tend to hold you, ask for your love. Oh god! Why am I so selfish?..." This time you cut him off, your arms embracing his stuttering and sobbing form, bringing his head in your valley of the neck as you hide him from all his worries. 

Your hand slides down his back as you rub his spine slowly, providing comfort. The damp tears roll down from his shut eyes to your flesh as you tighten your arm around his broad back. 

"Sush… sush… breathe, darling. Breathe. Throw away the baggage off your shoulder. You didn't do anything. As I said earlier, we both were hurting each other, we both needed time to understand each other. Yi blame yourself so much, kook," your words were like a sharp knife stabbing his heart while he whimpered louder in your arms, his heavy body losing strength. 

He needs you… he needs your love…

"I can't. I can't. I am the reason behind all your pain, behind all the fears, b… behind your anxiety of getting touched. I… baby, Bushong… Bushong hurt you because of me. He punished you for what I did. He… he laid his filthy hands on you because of me," he breaks once again, his strength to apologize losing somewhere. 

Your arms fall, figure freezing like ice in the snow while his words jog in your mind. 

He hurt you because of me!

He punished you for what I did!

He laid his fifty hands on you because of me! 


'I am back, darling. Didn't I say that I'll always be on your mind from now on? Even when aomeone else is fcking you, huh?


Big time spoiler alert!!!

The thing which y'all waited for so long is coming in tomorrow' part♥🥺...


Also, the story is nearing the end. Thank you for all the love and support. Please don't stop voting and commenting. It's just for few days more


Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang