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 This part might have many errors and mistakes as it's not edited yet ( I mean it's edited but not to an extent as it's always) so please forgive and read if it's fine for you. Otherwise, wait till tomorrow so that I can edit 💫♥.


"Jung… Jungkook?" Your low trembling voice surrounds the area around the bed, reaching Jungkook as he immediately looks at your place and sighs. Your gaze shifts around as you squint your eyes and look around, your nerves picking up the signal and starting to release the anxiety hormone.

What if he sees Jungkook?

What if he tries to hurt him?


Why the hell did he even come back?

Jungkook! I'll kill you before he does…

"Love… shh, don't move. Stay still. I'll call the doctor," he gets up and runs outside before you even stop him. You shift in a comfortable position while your hand aches a little in the process. 

"That's really good news. It indicates she's out of danger now," you heard probably a doctor's voice nearing the room. While your eyes stay focused on the door. 

As you see Jungkook following the doctor, you couldn't help but shed a tear. It was overwhelming, joyful to see him. He is here, with you. 

What if Taehyung gets to know about Jungkook?

The Doctor checks your pulse, temperature and other few things while Jungkook fights with himself whether he can hold your hand or not but the war ends the moment right when you hold his knuckles tightly while the syringe penetrates your skin. You feared infections and gladly, Jungkook was here so you can hold him.

A small smile creeps on his edges as he bows down to control it. He didn't want to look stupid smiling at the wrong moment but little did he know that you already saw that. 

Stay forever like this…

"I've given her a necessary med injection for now. Let her rest for now. And if she's hungry, please start with the food. It will help in recovery faster," the highly intellectual man, the doctor informs you two while the man beside you nods.

As the doctor leaves, you frown and look at him. 

You need to let him go… for him.

"Jungkook. What if he sees you? Please go… Please don't risk your life like this…" his fingers meet your lips, cutting your words with his soft touch as you look away, making him remove them immediately. 

"He is not here and he won't be from now onwards. You don't have to worry, love. He won't trouble you anymore and if he does I will make sure to kill him before he does anything to you," his soft voice flushes your insides as you look at him with a teary gaze.

Did he really leave?

I hope he's not playing games…

I hope he doesn't hurt anyone!

"And I am sorry for doing that," he apologizes for putting his hand on your edges as you nod and close your eyes for a brief second due to a sudden ache in your head. His eyes squint in panic seeing you like that while his heart picks up the beats in fear as he buckles up to call the doctor right away if needed. And the thought vanishes as soon as you open your orbits and look at him with a small, weak smile.

A comforting silence surrounds the room as you both steal glances from each other. It was different, the air was different. His cologne encircled the area between you two, throwing the medicines and hospital smell. His safe and soft gaze holds you right in his crown while your heart flutters every time he looks at you.

Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}Where stories live. Discover now