Nothing Escapes Gravity (Sigma)

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Sigma knew almost everything about gravity and how it functioned. He'd devoted his life's work to discovering the ins and outs of it so he could one day hold its power in his hands. Many of his nights were spent sleepless as he hunched over his lab table, feverishly scribbling notes and equations as fast as his hands would allow him. He knew a breakthrough was near; he just needed more time.
Coffee became a pivotal part of his diet as 30 minutes turned into an hour, then into two until he saw the sun rise outside his window.

While gravity was his main choice of focus, Sigma was no fool to the other sides of science. He studied them occasionally, mostly when he could find a way to connect them back to gravity to help further his research.
The most common example came each time the coffee from the night before ran through his system, racing to break free from his intestines. Not even human waste--items that held little importance after they're been expelled--could escape the force that held them down.

He hummed a tune he had stuck in his head as he exited his lab and walked down the hall towards the bathrooms. His footsteps rhythmically  tapped to the tempo of the song. As he entered the bathroom, the melody amplified against the walls, echoing in his ears. He chose the stall furthest from the door and settled in.

As he sat down, he stopped humming, now focused on his other task at hand. The room fell silent as he concentrated. Bloop! Sigma sighed as his first log entered the toilet. Plooop! Another one followed soon after, this time with a deeper tone. He paid attention to the difference in sound, studying it in his mind. He thought about how gravity affected it, about how gravity could be responsible for such a loud sound. Braap......brrpt! His farts made way for more waste. He continued to plop, each one fascinating him more than the last. As foul as the bathroom began to smell, the only thing on Sigma's mind was all the new information he was taking in. After he finished, he quickly cleaned up and returned to his lab, eager to interpret his new findings.

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