Close-Quarters Combat (Reinhardt)

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Bam! You and Reinhardt finish chugging your beers at the same time, slamming the mugs on the table in sync. The beer fizzles in your throat as it goes down. You look towards Reinhardt as you see him scarfing down the rest of the currywurst he'd purchased earlier. He turns to you to say something, but is immediately interrupted by a large burp. The sound of it echoed through your ears, sending a tingling sensation through your body.

"My apologies," Reinhardt said. "As I was going to say, I-" his sentence was once again interrupted by a grumbling within his body, this time from his stomach. A frantic look came across his face as the noises continued. "I believe I have to excuse myself." Reinhardt said hurriedly, as he stood up from the table and began power-walking towards the front of the pub. You said nothing as you silently stood up and followed to wait in the line to the bathroom with him.

After several minutes of waiting in line, there was finally space in the tiny bathroom for the two of you. You and Reinhardt walk in and see two stalls decorated with ankles and belt buckles on the floor, leaving the makeshift wooden ones adjacent to them. Reinhardt, having used them in the past, walks directly towards them with no hesitation. You reluctantly follow, tensing up as you move.

Pulling back the curtain, Reinhardt allows you to step into the small space before him, entering afterwards. You both sit down simultaneously, your thighs making contact with each other. You glance over at him, paying great attention to his pants pooled around his ankles and muscles bulging from his exposed legs. His equally toned arms rested at his sides. This was the best he'd ever looked.

Like the unwrapping of a package, crackling began to echo throughout the small bathroom. You could feel his thigh muscles contracting against your leg, his face scrunching with concentration. He didn't move or say a word, nor did you. A loud SPLOOSH shook the bucket below. You could feel his thigh unclench as he let out a huge hmmph of relief.

Reinhardt released the fury of his digestive system into the bucket as you counted each one. Bloop bloop; two logs descended into the bucket rapidly. Pprrrrttt; A long fart croaked beneath him. Braaap; a quick but loud fart followed. plip plip.......craaaackle; Reinhardt moaned at the mercy of his stomach as it forcefully relieved itself. Your mind and body felt numb, overcome with euphoria.

By the time he was done, Reinhardt had pooped enough for the both of you. You silently observed as he cleaned himself up, with streaks of brown covering each piece of toilet paper. You stood up and pulled the curtain aside, stepping towards the sinks. Reinhardt casually spoke to you as if nothing happened. Little did he know, he'd just given you the experience of a lifetime.

When Duty Calls: Overwatch Toilet StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora