- twenty seven -

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I grab my bag and rush out of the bathroom, practically soaking myself in perfume. I walk over to Daniel and set his tie up properly, "thanks." he mumbles.

"are you okay?" I ask turning on my heel and checking everything, he ignores me.

"babe?" he ignores me again and I let out a sigh holding ny head, "did I do something?"

Daniels phone starts ringing, making me roll my eyes. he picks up putting it on speaker whilst tying his shoe lace.

"I can't believe you're getting late to your own pregnancy reveal party," Anna's voice booms through the phone.

I grab everything that I need and walked to the car right behind Daniel, who hadn't said a word since.

I sit in the car silently beside him, he drives to the party house we had booked. I look out of the window, seeing we had finally arrived.

we get out of the car and walk towards the doors and enter, seeing people everywhere. I grab Daniels hand but fail, he takes his hand out of mine and walks further down.

I catch up to the boy and turn him around to me, "Daniel? why aren't you talking to me?"

he looks at me and then looks away, he starts to walk over to Jonah and starts a conversation with him.

I huff in annoyance and walk straight up to him, grabbing his arm and taking him into the corner, "did I do something wrong?"

"something wrong?" he laughs, "texting your ex and you didn't even tell me?"

"Daniel. it wasn't like that."

"I know it wasn't. you could've at least told me that he was texting you again and annoying you, but you didn't!"

"I'm sorry," I say holding my head again.

"sorry? seriously?"

"Daniel it's not a big deal!" I say in defence.

he shakes his head, "you do know all I want is for you to be safe and comfortable. you could've at least told me and I would have dealed with everything."

i open my mouth the say something but he already walked away from me. I let out a big sigh and walk over towards the front door to greet people coming.

I catch a glimpse of his face, sucking in a breath. please don't be real. i walk out a bit and check the doorway and see him standing there walking towards me.

"madison! please help me!" Luke begs, he looked scruffy. his shirt buttoned up messily, as was his hair.

"what do you want?"

"please just help me. can you get me a job or anything please?" his eyes fill up with tears, "I don't have any money to eat or anything. could you please help me out?"

"how do I know you're not lying again?" I ask his crossing my arms.

"Madison. I promise I actually need help." he hold my hands and begs.

I glance at his hands on mine and take a step back, "I'll text you."

"thank you! thank you!" he jumps on me and hugs me, I get taken aback and awkwardly stand there. he lets go and I walk back into the hall.

I immediately make eye contact with Daniel who looked at me in disgust.

my attention goes to the person on stage, "okay, can we all quieten down! i have an announcement to make!" Corey yells in the mic.

"maddie! Daniel! come up here please!" he calls.

I look at Daniel who was already making his way on stage, I walk as well by myself.

we both stand on each side of Corey, "so I'm honoured to make this announcement, for these two." he pauses flashing a smile.

"maddie is pregnant!" he squeals making me laugh slightly. I look around to see Keri who was smiling widely and crying happy tears, with everyone else cheering.

she waves over to me, indicating me to come over. I laugh and step down from the stage and Keri runs into my arms, "baby, congratulations!"

"thank you, Mom!" I say smiling into her shoulder.

she squeezes my face, "I'm gonna be a grandma!"

"yes you are!" I say laughing at her reaction.

the whole night was a blur, with everyone congratulating me and Daniel. we were driving back now, Daniel still not talking to me.


when I get no response, I sit there quietly, reaching my hand to turn the radio on, it playing Us.

Daniel sightly glances at me, knowing it's the song, our song.

I back up to give space to Corey but end up tripping over someone's shoes, I close my eyes shut waiting to fall backwards.

instead I feel strong hands around my waist holding me, I open my eyes only to be met by a familiar pair.

I stay there, staring at the boys eyes, snapping out of my trance I clear my throat. "what the fuck are you doing here?" I spit out, rolling my eyes at Daniel Seavey.

"madison." he whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"I...what?" he speaks out but then cuts himself off, "how are you?"

I laugh at him, "are you really serious?" he clears his throat realising we're still in the same position, they really had to play this song.

"I believe in something, I believe in us."

I close my eyes at the memories flooding in. it's amazing how far we have gotten to.

we started off as friends then to lovers and then nothing for many years. then we suddenly meet again and here we are again, but this time with a baby on its way.

it's weird how one day you're nothing and the next day you're everything but that's how life works. it's full of surprises.

after the ride home, we walk back into our house. I throw my bag to the side and walk upstairs to our bedroom, laying down and getting a text.

I ignore it and continue to stare at the ceiling. Daniel walks in and charges his phone that was next to mine. my phone rings again and Daniel scoffs, "so he's texting you again now?"

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