- nineteen -

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"can you hurry up?" I say to the boy who was running around the room looking for his phone.

"I'm trying to find my room!" he says and then pauses, "I mean my phone!"

I let out an annoyed sigh and ring his phone, he hears it and his hands go to the pockets of his shorts, "oh."

"seriously?" I roll my eyes and grab his arm to the lobby.

we all walk to the beach that was just behind our hotel building.

"can we set up here?" Christina asks tiredly.

we nod our head and she lays down on her blanket she bought.

"you okay, Tina?" I ask tilting my head to look at the girl better, who looked sick.

"no." she groans holding her stomach, "I feel sick."

Gabbie gasps, "wait are you?"

Christina's head shoots up, "no?"

"have you checked?" tate asks concerned. Christina shakes her head no.

"what if I am pregnant? oh god!" she covers her face and starts panicking.

"Christina, you'll be fine!" Kay says placing her hand on top of the girls.

"what if corby-"

I cut her off, "that guy fucking loves you, he will support you no matter what."

the others nod their heads along with my statement, "she's right, Chris." Daniel says from behind her.

"did you hear?" she asks, Daniel nods.

he sits down behind me and places his arms around my waist, "he will support you."

Christina calms down and lays down, the other boys come running out of the water towards us.

"so what do you guys wanna do later?" Zach asks the whole group.

"well the girls and I were just gonna chill for a bit," tate says, "oh and jack you'll have to take care of lavy, thanks!"

jack opens his mouth to protest but gets cut off by Jonah, "there's no point fighting, you know tate, she always gets her way." he says shaking his head.

Tate flips her hair back in a jokingly manner making everyone laugh.

"you guys need to come into the water," eben says grinning, with Jonah nodding along.

Daniel smirks and picks me up, running into the water, "Daniel if you get my hair wet, I swear I'll kill you!" I yell and get thrown into the water.

Daniel simply looks down at me and laughs at my state, I sit there for a bit of time, suddenly seeing a wave coming over and on top of me.

I resurface out of the water tasting salt on my tongue, Daniel laughs and picks me up and then places a kiss on my lips, "you're so pretty."

"and you're so annoying," I say smiling sarcastically at him.

we hang around the beach for a little longer, playing in the water and annoying the hell out of everyone.

soon enough everyone gets tired and we head home. the girls make their way to what they were gonna do and the boys plus lavy went to Corey and Ebens room.

"you'll be okay, chrissy," Kay says looking at the girl.

we were now waiting for Christina's results. I notice her leg was bouncing up and down.

I place my hand over her leg, "whatever happens, I'm always with you tina."

she gives me a small smile and Gabbie smiles widely, "it's been time."

Gabbie grabs the stick with a tissue over it and hands it to Christina, she takes in a long breath and takes the tissue off.

"positive..." she says looking scared.

Gabbie crouches near the girl, "look right now, it might seem like everything is weird and confusing but I promise it gets better. that child in there is going to be the someone you love the most."

Christina nods her head telling us all we need to get the news confirmed before telling Corbyn. after twenty minutes of calming Christina and making her feel better we decided to get our Halloween costumes ready.

"okay but like I don't know what to be," Gabbie says pulling her lips into a pout.

"you do know Halloween is like two days away?" I ask the girl, she nods.

"oh wait you should be Dorothy, get Jack to be the tinman! and lavy can be the lion!" Kay suggests and Gabbie immediately lights up.

"wait should I be an Angel or A Super Model?" Tate asks.

"okay no, go for the super model and make Jonah drool," I say laughing.

"you should be an Angel," tate says to Kay, she nods smiling widely.

"I'm gonna be tinkerbell," Christina says smiling, "what are you being, maddie?"

"oh I'm matching with Daniel, he's going to be the mafia leader and I'm gonna be his enemy," I say smiling at the thought of him.

"ooooh enemies to lovers!" the girls tease me making me hide my face into the pillows.

"thanks for dropping me off," I say smiling at Daniel.

"yeah, no problem." he replies. I grab my stuff and start getting out of the car before getting interrupted by Daniel.

"um come here missy!" he says waving his hand towards him.

"yes?" I say poking my head into the passenger seat. he pulls my face closer to his and kisses me.

I let go and he groans, "can I just come with you?"

"no because your brother needs you." I say poking him and closing the passenger door and make my way back to my house.

damn what a trip that was.

I close my eyes and lay down on my bed after showering and doing everything, hearing a notification.

cor 💙
party in one day. halloween. don't forget to come.

I laugh at Corey's message, as if I forget to go to Corey's parties.

Corey's parties were the best. it was somewhere where everyone was included and there. nobody in their right mind would miss it.

my thoughts get cut off by my phone ringing, I see Daniels contact name pop up for a FaceTime.

I pick up and I'm met with a grinning boy, "I miss you already, Angel."

i laugh, "I miss you too, dani. are you at home now?"

he nods in response. "that was pretty quick," I say smiling at the boy.

he nods happily, "mhm! tomorrow is the Halloween party!"

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