- twenty six -

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"babe, I'm so bored," my head hanging off of my bed.

"then do something?" Daniel says from the corner of the room, continuing to tap on his laptop.

I groan and shoot up, an idea popping into my head. I get off of the bed and throw on a hoodie over my top and slide into shoes. I grab the keys.

"where are you going?" Daniel asks confused.

"somewhere!" I say excitedly, I make my way into Daniels car and drive off.

I park into the driveway and walk through the household, "honey, I'm home!" I yell.

"over here, babe!" tate yells back. I walk over to tate and give her a quick hug.

"so you stealing me girl, huh?" Jonah pipes sipping his coffee, I nod.

"of course!" I beam, Jonah shakes his head and turns back to his show.

"what do you wanna do?" tate asks me leading me to her bedroom.

"ooh! let's FaceTime people!"

"so how long?" I ask the girl in front of me.

"you do promise to not tell Daniel about this right?" she asks looking anxious.

"I promise, An!" I say interlocking her pinky finger in mine.

"so it's been like a month now..." Anna says nervously.

"a month?" my hand hits my face, "and you didn't tell me this shit was going on?" I ask her taken back.

"maddie, I was scared that you would tell Daniel!"

"when have I ever told Daniel your secrets?" I wait for an answer, "exactly then. I rest my case."

Anna laughs slightly and her phone starts ringing, her face turning a deep red, "oooh! Is it eben?" I raise my eyebrows teasingly.

she holds her head in her arms feeling embarrassed, "Anna! Pick it up!" I yell smacking her arm.

"oh, shit yes!" she picks up the phone and I motion her to put it on speaker, she shakes her head no.

I grab the phone and put it on speaker, "so babe, what you up to?" I hear eben from the other side.

"uh, nothing really!" Anna says in a high pitched voice making me facepalm.

"is Daniel there?" a trace of worry in ebens voice.

"no." Anna replies.

"is someone there?"

"yeah.." Anna lets out quietly shutting her eyes shut.

"who is it? do you want me to call later?"

"no no no!" she protests, "it's just maddie."

"oh. does she know about..." eben asks the girl. she nods, "yes..."

"hey eben!" I shout into the phone.

"mads! what's up!"

"I'm kinda mad at you."

"why?" eben asks confused.

"it's been a whole month and you didn't tell me about you and An?"

"I'm sorry, we were just scared and nervous, sneaking around Daniel and shit isn't easy at all."

I let out a laugh, "Daniel is too dumb, so you really don't need to worry!"

i let eben and Anna talk, occasionally teasing them whilst they conversed making them whine.

anna finally ends the calls and turns to me, "so what about you and Daniel?"


"how are you two?"

"good," I say nodding my head.

"do you plan on having babies?" she says making me spit out the water in my mouth.

"holy shit mads, you got it all over me!" Anna says holding her top out and then freezing, "wait so you're planning to have babies?"

i open my mouth and closing it again, deciding on whether to tell Anna or not.

I give into telling her, "I'm pregnant."

she freezes whilst putting on a shirt and runs over to me, "please tell me you're not lying!"

"I'm not lying."

Anna immediately hugs me, I fall back into the bed laughing at the girls reaction, "how many weeks are you?"

"I'm a month in so four!" I say smiling at the blonde headed girl, "Maddie! you do not know how happy this is making me!"

she gets up from me and jumps on the floor, "I'm gonna be an auntie," she says unbelievably, "wait have you thought of the names?"

I shake my head no, "we still have to reveal the pregnancy yet!"

she shakes her head understanding, "so mom doesn't know yet?"

"no she doesn't but she will soon!" I say smiling widely excited for the idea.

"okay back to the names!"

Anna and I wrote a whole list of boy names and girls name that consisted of:

Girl Names:-
- Aria
- Cora
- Lyra
- Wren

Boy Names:-
- Louis
- Ren
- Caleb
- Ezra

we smile at the list and picked the four top names, "okay but we need Daniel here."

"yes we do!" Anna says laughing, "he would be amazed at the names!"

"are you sure?" Daniel asks again.

"oh my god, I'm sure babe!" I say lifting my hand to my head and shaking it a bit.

"okay, it's settled."

we currently made a plan on how we're gonna announce the baby shower. I nod and put my notebook away and lay down on the bed waiting for Daniel to come out of the bathroom.

"okay so, are you ready for tomorrow?" he says jumping next to me. I nod excitedly.

"I'm ready to tell mom and everyone about our baby!" I squeal, Daniel laughing.

"yes we're ready," he says holding my hand, "together like always?"

I nod my head, "like always."

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