Earth walked inside the room and looked at Ae who looked a complete mess. He was nothing Earth has seen him just few days back. He now understood what Sun meant when he said Ae was destroying himself. He couldn't do anything other than pity the young man. Not able to bear the heart breaking sight anymore, Earth walked out of the room silently.

"It's worse than you think Sun.... We need to do something." Earth stated. "Yes.... I too feel the same." Sun replied. It had been a while and Ae walked out of the room making his way towards the rest room. Sun motioned to Patchara and the mother walked into the room.

She sat down beside Pete and started stroking his hair affectionately. "Pete, baby, how long are you going to sleep? We all are worried about you but there is someone who had almost stopped living. You should wake up now sweetheart. Your Ae needs you. He is not listening to us and neglecting his health. He don't want to eat or sleep. You should wake up my love, not for us but at least for your husband." Patchara couldn't talk any further. Her voice started to break and tears were threatening to leave her eyes. She kissed Pete's forehead and then walked out of the room and saw Ae returning back.

As expected, Ae didn't pay any attention to the people outside the door and walked into the room. He occupied his previous place and held Pete's hand and started stroking it.

Patchara and Sun peeped inside the room and saw the same sight. "I hope this works." Patchara said. "Me too mae. It's been more than 10 days. Doctor has been saying that his condition is improving but he's still in the same state." Sun spoke.

They sighed and then made their way towards the nearby bench. Ae was leaning against the bed while holding Pete's hand, his gaze fixed on the face of his husband. He felt a little movement as he held Pete's hand. He looked carefully and saw Pete's fingers moving a bit. He immediately sat up and looked at his husband carefully. He could feel the little movements from the sleeping person and he held his breathe as he kept his gaze fixed on Pete's face.

After a while, Pete's eyelids fluttered open but he closed them soon and scrunched his nose in discomfort. He then opened them again slowly, squinting a bit to adjust to the bright light. His gaze then landed on Ae who was sitting in front of him. "A-Ae...." His voice was croaky as he spoke.

Finally, Ae's face showed the emotion as a smile spread on his lips. "Pete..." Ae's voice was almost a whisper. Tears started to roll down from Ae's eyes as he looked at his husband who was now looking at him with a sweet smile. Just then, the nurse who had come to check on Pete saw the cute guy awake and rushed out of the room to call the doctor.

Sun and Patchara were confused as they saw the nurse run and rushed towards the room. Their gaze landed on Pete who was looking at Ae with bright smile. "He's awake." Patchara spoke happily and hugged Sun. "Yes mae.... He's awake." Sun agreed.

Soon, the doctor walked in and asked everyone to leave the room so he could examine Pete. Ae didn't want to leave so Patchara and Sun had to coax him to leave. The poor guy somehow agreed to the plea of his in-laws and walked out.

After examining Pete, the doctor walked out with a beaming smile. Ae was the first one to approach him. "Doctor, can I meet him now?" Ae asked. "Yes, you can... And also, you need to take care of yourself." The doctor replied. Ae nodded in response and then hurried inside the room. The three could only sigh seeing the young man.

Ae walked towards Pete and saw him now leaning against the bed. He sat down on the bed and extended his hand forward to hold Pete's hands. Some of the tubes connected to Pete were removed. Ae scooted closer and started looking at his husband. His mind still couldn't accept it that his husband is finally awake.

"Tell me that this is not a dream." Ae said. Pete looked at him and smiled while he tried to speak, "I am here Ae." His voice was sounding a bit rough. Ae handed him a glass of water and the cute guy sipped little amount before returning it back to Ae. "Ae, I am sorry... I ruined our candle light dinner." Pete apologized. "Huh?! You are apologizing for missing the dinner? You should be sorry for leaving me alone. What was I going to do without you?" Ae asked, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Ae, how can I leave you alone? I am sorry but I was trying to protect Fluke." Pete replied. Then something struck his mind, "Where is Fluke? Is he hurt?" Pete asked in panic. The monitor on the table started beeping faster. "Pete... Calm down! Fluke is fine, in fact he was the one with you at the hospital till we arrived. Nothing happened to anyone besides you." Ae informed. The cute guy let out a sigh of relief after knowing that the little guy was safe.

"After coming back to senses, you are still worrying about him? Who is going to ask about me?" Ae said while pouting. "Ae, you are the only one I am worried about. I just didn't want to make Ohm lose something precious because of us." Pete replied. Ae looked at his husband who was claiming the responsibility of something that didn't even involve him.

"It wasn't your fault love. For now, just focus on recovering. We will take care of the rest." Ae said. Pete raised his hand and gently started caressing Ae's cheek. The younger boy sighed as he felt the warm touch of his husband. His vision started to get blur and then everything was dark.

Pete screamed loudly as he saw Ae faint. Sun and Patchara rushed inside the room and saw Ae lying on the bed with his head on Pete's lap. Pete was trying to wake him up. His eyes then got diverted to his mother and brother and he had a pleading look. "Mae.... Call doctor." Pete said in between sobs.

Sun rushed to call for doctor and Ae was immediately shifted on another bed. There was an IV connected to him as he lay on bed in his unconscious state. Pete was worried and continuously insisting on seeing Ae. Sun assured him that Ae was fine and fainted because of weakness. After a lot of pleading, Pete was shifted on wheelchair and then taken to see his husband.

Pete looked at Ae who was now lying on bed while breathing steadily. "Phi, what happened to him?" Pete asked in concern. "He had been avoiding food and sleep since you were unconscious. We tried to coax him into eating and sleeping but he was too stubborn. He sat beside you all the time looking at your face with an expectant look. And now, I guess it took it's toll. Let him take rest. Don't worry, I have talked to doctor, he said Ae just fainted from weakness." Sun assured. Pete looked at his husband who face looked peaceful while he slept. "I am sorry Ae..... I will never make you go through same ever again. Promise...." Pete said while holding Ae's hand.

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