Cute surprise

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Third person's POV:

Ae groaned in frustration and dragged himself to open the room's door. He turned the knob and lazily pulled the door. But the next moment when his eyes landed on the person standing in front of him, his lazy mood and all frustration was gone. He was greeted by the most unexpected and most beautiful sight.

Unconsciously, the word left his mouth, "Pete....." The sound was almost a whisper. The owner of the name smiled at the person standing in front of him. Within no time, Pete stepped forward and then jumped on to his husband, wrapping himself around the tall and firm figure like a koala. "I missed you Ae... I missed you a lot." The cute guy said as he rested his head into the crook of neck of his husband.

Ae smiled as he heard those words. He held the guy in a firm grip while he breathed in the baby scent. Pete started to pepper Ae's neck with kisses while whispering I missed you. Ae grabbed the handle of Pete's bag and gently pulled it inside along with the baby koala wrapped around him. He managed to close the door and then walked towards the couch.

He sat down on the couch and then pulled Pete's face to look into those doe eyes. His happiness had no boundaries as he looked at his cute husband. "I missed you so much love!!" Ae said. "I missed you too Ae." Pete replied and then smashed his lips against Ae.

Ae's hands started to move over Pete's back while he responded to the kiss. Pete had his arms wrapped around Ae's nape pulling him closer. Their yearning for each other and their unsaid emotions were finally getting conveyed through kisses.

Ae unbutton Pete's jacket and the cute guy immediately pulled it off and tossed it aside. They continued their make out session for a while till they were almost out of breathe.

Ae pulled away allowing themselves to catch breathe. He gently cupped Pete's cheeks and started to rub his thumbs over the smooth skin. "You never fail to surprise me." He said leaning forward and touching his forehead with Pete's. The cute guy just smiled and leaned into the touch.

"When did you manage everything? Mae told me that you were at your parents place." Ae said. "I was missing you a lot and couldn't concentrate on anything so phi came to talk to me." Pete continued to explain.


After talking to Pete, Sun wanted to know whether Pete would like to travel the distance to see Ae. "Bunny, do you want to see him now?" Sun asked his younger brother. "Yes phi. But how?" Pete questioned.

"Are you ready to travel all the way to meet Ae?" Sun asked. Without thinking even for a second Pete immediately answered, "Yes phi!!"

"Start packing your bags. I'll come in few minutes." Sun said and left the place. Pete hurried with his stuff and started to put everything in bag. He didn't even try to place the things properly, he was just shoving whatever thing he found into the bag.

Pete was done packing when sun walked in. "Get ready, you are leaving now. Your flight is in one hour. I have already made arrangements for you. When you arrive at the place there will be a person who will take you to the hotel. So, hurry up, I am taking you to the airport." Sun spoke.

Pete had no words to express his emotions. He hugged his brother and whispered thank you. "Bunny, you are my younger brother and I should make sure that you are always happy. Now get ready!!" Sun said patting Pete's back.

The cute guy changed his clothes and soon they arrived at the airport. Within no time, Pete rushed inside to board the flight with the beaming smile. His excitement was getting doubled with passage of time.

The flight soon landed and Pete was out in no time. He searched for the person whom his brother had arranged for him. Next thing, Pete was inside the car, heading in the direction of hotel where Ae was staying.

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