Soft side of Ohm

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Senior Intouch's head creased with worries listening to the tone of Ae. "What is it Ae?" He asked trying to keep calm. "Por, it's about Ohm and Fluke. You need to know about few things before you could judge whatever am gonna tell you. I wanted to inform you about everything beforehand but didn't know how to bring up this topic." Ae stated.

"Well, you can tell now." Senior Intouch replied. Ae took in a deep breathe composing himself and then started to narrate to his father whatever Fluke had told him. He watched the myriads of facial expression from his father as he kept talking.

When Ae finally finished talking, the father questioned, "What do you think Ae? Do you think Fluke will ever forgive Ohm after all that had happen? Had I known about this earlier, I would have apologized to Fluke and his family for the misdoings of my own son. God knows what else I'll have to witness in future."

Ae could sense the worry in his father's tone and tried to calm him down. Somewhere he felt that whatever that had happen was not the wrong doings of his brother, because he could clearly see the change in expression of Ohm whenever he looked at Fluke.

After talking to his father for a while and assuring him that he will look after this matter, Ae returned to his cabin and picked up his phone. It had 5 missed calls from Pete and he then realized that he was supposed to have lunch with his fiance. He hurriedly called back the cute guy who picked up his call after three rings.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I was in meeting and then went to talk to por. I was occupied in so much of work that I completely lost the track of time. I'll be there in minutes just tell me where you are. I'll pick you up." Ae kept babbling as he felt guilty.

"Ae, calm down. I know it would have been something really urgent that you were busy with. I am standing in front of your office and have brought lunch. We can have it together. I am coming, just wait for me in office." Pete replied. "You sometimes surprise me with your actions Pete." Ae stated making the cute guy smile.

Pete disconnected the call and started walking towards the entrance. He stepped inside and was headed towards the elevator when someone stopped him. "Who are you? And do you have an appointment today?" The female asked.

"May I know your name?" Pete asked politely. "I am Nahm, Ohm's secretary. It's almost lunch time and the boss has gone out for lunch, you'll have to wait if you have appointment otherwise come some other day after taking a proper appointment. We don't entertainment anyone without prior notice." Nahm spat. Pete was about to speak when Senior Intouch appeared from behind calling out to Pete, "Oh, my son-in-law is here. Planning of having lunch with us?" Senior Intouch inquired teasingly.

"Yes por. It's already lunch time so I already got lunch while coming." Pete replied. "Nahm, meet my son-in-law Pete and Pete, this is Nahm, Ohm's secretary. And Nahm, henceforth speak nicely to my family. I don't like anyone misbehaving with my people." Senior Intouch sounded threatening as he spoke. Nahm nodded in response and apologized to Pete before stepping aside allowing Pete to walk towards the elevator.

Pete stood in front of elevator waiting for it to open. After sometime the elevator dinged and the doors open and Ohm walked out looking at his phone. Pete who was in hurry walked forward and both dashed against each other. Pete was about to fall when Ohm caught him in time and helped him to stand.

"Are you alright?" Ohm inquired. "Y-Yes, I am fine. Thank you." Pete replied a bit flustered. "You are here for lunch?" Ohm asked casually. "Yes, actually we had planned of meeting outside but since Ae wasn't picking up the call, I thought of coming over." Pete stated. Ohm smiled at him and then remembered about Fluke. Pete got into the elevator and Ohm followed him since he wanted to check whether Fluke was fine.

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