Trip together

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Days passed by and Ohm and Fluke’s relationship started to blossom beautifully. Ohm was still trying to find out the person who was responsible for hurting the little boy. Senior Intouch made Nahm do most of the work and changed her working place by shifting her desk right outside his office. So, Nahm wasn’t able to see Ohm more often and also, she didn’t get any chance to trouble the little boy.

Ae and Pete on the other hand were busy with their wedding preparations. They would hardly get time to meet each other and Ae was getting impatient. As a result, he finally decided of going on a trip at a weekend.

He arranged for everything and asked for the permission of his father for a day off. He was delighted when his father willingly gave him the permission. He hurriedly called Pete asking him to pack his stuff as they were going to leave the very next day.

Senior Intouch called his elder son asking him to come to his office. Ohm entered his father’s office to see him smiling widely. “Por, what’s the matter?” Ohm inquired. “Ae is taking a day off on weekend to spend his time with Pete. I was thinking if you would like to go out with Fluke for a trip or something. Since there are no important meetings for coming few days, I could allow both my boys to get some rest.” The father offered.

Ohm’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard his father’s words. “Por, I would love to. I’ll ask Fluke about it and then let you know.” Ohm said rushing out of office and heading towards the desk of the little guy. He sprinted all the way in hurry as he was excited. He finally reached the desk of Fluke where the boy was busy with presentation and asked, “Fluke, would you like to go out with me for a small trip this weekend?”

Fluke looked at Ohm with confused expression as he saw him panting heavily. He thought for a while and replied, “But I have work to complete.” “I’ll take care of it. And I’ll take it as yes. So, am gonna inform por and you are getting an off on Saturday.” Ohm replied and then hurried back to his father’s cabin cheerfully.

He entered without knocking and spilled, “Por, Fluke is ready to go out. So, I am taking a day off and also I had informed Fluke that he is excused for a day.” The aged business laughed looking at his son who was explaining everything in hurry. He felt that his elder son was behaving more like a kid these days. But it didn’t matter to him as long as Ohm was being a good person. ‘Fluke is a good influence for Ohm’ he thought to himself.

Ohm then rushed out of his cabin to talk with his younger brother. He knocked on the door and then entered the office. Ae looked at his brother who was wearing a bright smile on his face. “Phi, do you need something?” Ae inquired. “Yup….. I wanted your advice.” Ohm replied.

“My advice??? For what?” Ae asked a bit confused. “Well, I am taking Fluke out this weekend for a small trip so I wanted to know if you have any idea where I could probably take him for a visit. You and Pete have spent a lot of time together so I thought of asking you. Fluke and Pete have almost same taste.” Ohm stated.

“Hmmm… why don’t you tag along? I am taking Pete out for a trip so I was booking us a room. I’ll book one for you too and we can go together. Will that be fine?” Ae offered. “Yes! That will be great. Also, it will be fun to go together.” Ohm replied. He was all excited going out with his love and Ae could clearly see the excitement in the eyes of his elder brother. He knew the feeling too well since he too have been through the same.

Ae then booked two luxurious hotel rooms for them near the beach. Ohm rushed out of the cabin to inform Fluke about the arrangement for their trip. Ae could only shake his head seeing his brother head over heels for the little guy.

Ae, Pete, Ohm and Fluke stood in front of a minivan. The two brothers wore sad expression while their lovers were talking cheerfully. If you may ask what is wrong then let me tell you what happened after Ae booked the hotel rooms for their trip.

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