Sweet surprise

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The next day Pete continued his same routine. He got up early in morning and got fresh. After dressing up in formal attire, he then made his way towards the dining room where everyone was waiting for him. He greeted everyone politely and then made himself comfortable in one of the chairs.

The Intouch family had been trying their best to feel their son-in-law being taken care of. "Pete, what time you would be coming home?" Senior Intouch inquired. "After 6.00 pm. May be by 6.30 pm or something." Pete replied. "Okay... That would be great. We will have dinner together." Senior Intouch spoke.

"Pete, I'll drop you to office." Ohm offered. "Thank you phi but I already got my car yesterday." Pete said. "Then mae will be waiting for Pete to return home early so that we could have some tea together." Tuli spoke. Pete gave her his sweet smile while they continued with their breakfast.

After they were done, Pete bid his bye to everyone and walked towards his car. He got inside and drove in the direction of the office. When he reached, he headed straight to his cabin. He made himself comfortable in the swivel chair and then fished out his cell phone to call Ae. He was about to dial the number when he saw Ae's incoming call. His face lit up and he immediately picked up the call.

"Hello Ae..." Pete greeted in his sweet voice. "Hello baby... Did you have breakfast?" Ae inquired. "Khrab Ae... I already reached office." Pete replied. "Did you sleep well?" Ae asked. He was worried since Pete had been a little upset last night when they said bye to each other.

"Yes Ae... How is the work going?" Pete inquired. "I have just started to look into the matter. But I'll try to finish it up as soon as possible." Ae promised and then continued, "I need to go now. I have called for an urgent meeting with the staff. I'll call you later." He said. "I'll be waiting for your call. Miss you." Pete replied. "I miss you too baby. I love you and please take care of yourself." Ae said. "I love you too Ae." Pete replied in a soft tone and then disconnected the call.

The rest of the day, Pete looked a little happy than yesterday and Sun was glad seeing the smile on his brother's face. He knew how much Pete was trying to keep himself occupied so that he will not have time to think about anything.

It was already time to return home and Pete got his stuff ready and walked out of the office. He wanted to go to some place that would help him calm down but he also knew that his in-laws would be waiting for him. So, he decided of heading back home.

When he entered the house, he found Tuli waiting for him like yesterday. She greeted him with a smile and hug and then asked him to get fresh. Pete walked straight to the room and then grabbed the necessities and headed to bathroom. He stripped himself off the clothes to take a shower and then looked at himself in mirror.

The hickies were already starting to fade except for the one that Ae had sucked in the visible spot. Pete's hand unconsciously reached the place and he started to trace the mark. The memories from the night before Ae left started to crawl back into his mind. He closed his eyes recalling each and every touch of his husband.

His hands roamed everywhere where Ae had touched him. "I miss you Ae..." He whispered as he opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. Taking in a deep breathe, he then walked into the shower to clean himself.

After spending some time in shower, he finally stepped out and headed to his bedroom. He got dressed and then walked out to meet his mother-in-law. When he entered the living room, he saw senior Intouch and Tuli having a talk. He thought they might be discussing something and turned around to leave.

But just then senior Intouch called him, "Pete, come... Let's have some tea." Pete turned around and then took few steps towards where the couple was already seated. He made himself comfortable in one of the chairs. "Pete, how was your day?" Senior Intouch inquired. "It was great por." Pete spoke in his sweet voice.

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