I miss him

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The following days were filled with the Intouch family trying their best to keep their son-in-law happy. Pete too was trying to keep himself immersed in the work and rest other things to spend his time.

Pete was busy in his office work when he got call from Ohm. Pete was bit confused seeing the caller ID at this hour but he hurried to pick it up. "Hello phi." Pete greeted. "Hello Pete! Fluke and I wanted to invite you for a dinner with us. So, today evening at 7.00 pm. I'll message you the location." Ohm said.

"Thank you phi but I don't want to interrupt your time together." Pete denied politely. "Oh Pete! Fluke too wants you to come. So please don't deny. He'll be upset otherwise." Ohm tried to convince. Pete thought for a while and then agreed to go out with the two.

Pete didn't regret his decision since the dinner was really great. Pete was able to enjoy himself and Fluke was really happy seeing him. They had a nice talk and even went out to visit some other places. Pete had already informed Tuli that he will be going out with the two and the mother had agreed to him happily.

Fluke and Ohm had planned many things to keep Pete occupied. They went to amusement park where they enjoyed themselves. Like Pete, Fluke too was scared of the rides and they both stuck together. They had some fun playing small games and winning some prizes.

It was past 10.00 pm when Pete returned home. He was all drained and sleepy. Tuli greeted him and gave him a hug before allowing him to return to the bedroom. Pete got fresh and lay on his bed with his cell phone in his hand. No matter how tired he was, he wouldn't get sleep without hearing Ae's voice. And as expected, Ae called him and the cute guy was happy talking to his husband.

After three days, Fluke and Tar dropped by Pete's office. The two had some plans that included Pete so they were going to drag him along with them. Before speaking to Pete, the two went to talk to P'Sun. The elder brother was happy seeing the two and welcomed them warmly. After both of them spilled their plan, Sun happily agreed to let Pete go.

After that, the two marched in the direction of Pete's office. Pete who was busy with some files was stunned seeing the two standing in front of him. "Sawasdee khrab P'Pete!" Both the boys greeted in unison. "Hi!!" Pete greeted them excitedly. "We are going for shopping so we came to drag you along." Fluke stated. "But I need to talk to P'Sun." Pete replied. "We already did and P'Sun agreed. Now hurry up!! We are getting late!" Tar said in excitement.

Within no time, both the boys managed to pull Pete out of office and were heading in the direction of elevator. Pete's gaze then diverted to Sun who stood at some distance with his hands folded on his chest. Sun waved at his little brother and mouthed 'enjoy yourself'.

Pete smiled and then left the building with the two. Tar had planned of watching a movie first before heading with the rest of his plans. The movie was fun and all three enjoyed to their heart's content.

Fluke had spoken to Tar and told him about what happened after Ae and Pete had returned from honeymoon. So both of them planned of taking this cute guy out for a little fun.

After they were done with the movie, Tar dragged the both towards the restaurant for a meal. He ordered lot many things and then started to grumble that it was too much. Not to say that he somehow managed to finish it all with Fluke and Pete laughing at him.

The next stop was the park where Fluke had plan of just letting three of them rest. It wasn't much crowded, few children were playing in park and their parents were watching them. All the three guys made themselves comfortable on one of the bench.

Tar's gaze landed on the nearby ice-cream stall. "I'll be right back!" he said and left the place hurrying towards the ice-cream seller. He bought three cones and then rushed to where the two were seated. He handed them one each and then occupied his seat.

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