Making Pete happy

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After dropping Pete home, Ohm went to pick up Fluke. Pete went into the bedroom and then changed into his formal attire before walking out of the room. He descended the stairs and that is when senior Intouch saw him.

"Pete, are you going somewhere?" he asked looking at his son-in-law. "Sawasdee khrab por. Yes, I am going to office. There's nothing much to do at home so thought of going to office to help Phi and Por." Pete replied politely.

"Did you inform you parents about you both? I mean about Ae..." Senior Intouch didn't know how to ask the question but Pete replied to him, "Yes por... I already talked to them."

"Oh! That's good. So, you'll be staying at your parents place?" senior Intouch inquired hesitantly. He wanted to know whether his son-in-law was feeling uncomfortable staying here and wanted to help him. "No, I'll be returning back in evening." Pete replied.

Senior Intouch was a bit stunned hearing the reply since he expected Pete to prefer staying with his parents for time being. "Err.... If you need anything than please let us know. I can understand that you are finding it a bit difficult staying here with us and everything is new to you. We want you to feel comfortable here." Senior Intouch replied.

Pete smiled at his father-in-law and then spoke, "I am comfortable being here por." The father didn't know what else to say to this young man who was so polite and respectful. He started to feel a bit guilty for having let Ae go in place of someone else.

"Then I'll drop you to office. Just wait over here." The father said and then hurried inside the study room to get his briefcase.

Senior Intouch dropped his son-in-law to office and then was headed towards his company. Pete thanked his father-in-law and then walked inside making his way towards his cabin. When he entered, he saw Sun already waiting for him inside his cabin.

"Phi..." Pete called and hugged his brother. "Oh my bunny!! How are you?" Sun asked embracing his brother. "I am fine phi. I missed you all." Pete replied. "I missed you too bunny." Sun replied. He didn't ask anything else knowing that Pete needed some time to get adjusted to everything.

"You can continue your work. I'll be in my cabin. If you need something then just let me know." Sun said pulling away from the hug. Pete smiled and nodded in response. Sun left the place and walked to his cabin while the cute guy made himself comfortable in the swivel chair.

It had been just three hours and Pete was already missing Ae. He wanted to talk to his husband but knew that he was in flight and he will have to wait till Ae calls him. He got himself busy with work trying to distract his mind.

The whole day went with Pete keeping himself busy and then spending his lunch break and tea time with his brother and father. Finally, it was time to return home and Pete knew too well that now he will have to deal with his emotions. He tried to be brave and walked out of his office preparing himself for the inner battle.

Pete had already asked the driver to get his car so he wouldn't have to bother anyone with picking him up and dropping him back home. He got into his car and drove off in the direction of the house. He arrived at Intouch's house and stepped out of his car making his way inside.

He was greeted with a warm smile of Tuli who stood waiting for him. "Aw Pete... You are back home! Come have tea with me." She said. "Khrab mae... I'll get fresh and will return soon." Pete replied and then hurried towards the bedroom to get fresh.

He soon changed into comfortable clothes and walked out of the bedroom. He made his way towards the living room where Tuli was already seated. He walked in and sat down on one of the empty chairs. "Aw Pete! Sit here..." Tuli said patting the place besides her.

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