Heavy heart

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Pete didn't wanted to waste a single second of their precious time. They made love expressing their unsaid emotions. Ae had asked to get their dinner to the bedroom since Pete was tired. The family understood that the couple needed some time alone and didn't disturb them.

After dinner, Pete wrapped himself around Ae while they lay in bed wearing just boxers. "How long will it take?" Pete asked. "I don't know love. But I'll try to return as soon as possible." Ae said stroking Pete's back. "Will you be fine leaving here? Or do you want me to talk to por so that you could stay with Yim and all?" Ae asked.

"It's alright. I'll stay here. I'll probably start missing you more if I stay there." Pete replied. "When I return, I'll take you for a small trip. Just you and me. Okay?" Ae asked while looking at his husband. "I just want everything to wind up early so that you would return back soon." Pete replied snuggling into Ae's chest.

"I too wish the same." Ae said letting out a deep sigh. Pete moved a bit so that he was now lying over Ae. He slowly pressed his lips to Ae's chest and then moved towards the throat while licking the path in between. Ae pulled Pete up and smashed his lips against the others. Pete parted his lips and allowed Ae's tongue to enter inside.

Pete moved his hands towards their boxers but Ae caught it. "Pete..." Ae called looking at his husband in concern. "Please......" Pete said in a pleading tone. "But you'll be in pain." Ae spoke out his concern while he gently stroked Pete's cheeks. "I want this sweet pain that will remind me of you. I want it Ae. I can't stay away from you." Pete said while tears rolled down his cheeks.

Ae gently rubbed off the salty liquid that stained his husbands face. "I also can't stay away from you love. I am going to miss you like hell." Ae replied. "Can I come with you to airport? Please...." Pete requested. "But you'll have to get up early and you are already tired." Ae stated. "I'll be fine. Please let me come." Pete almost begged.

Ae knew what Pete was feeling at the moment. This decision was the most difficult ones for him but he had to be strong. "You can come. But promise me one thing." Ae said. "What does Ae want me to promise?" Pete questioned. "Promise me that you will not skip meals and take care of yourself." Ae said. "I promise!!" Pete replied.

Ae smiled and then pulled Pete towards himself. He sealed their lips together while he held his husband by nape. He slipped his other hand inside the duvet and swiftly pulled off their boxers and tossed them aside. Ae moved to sit up with Pete still over him. Their hard lengths were rubbing against each other. Ae sensually traced Pete's skin from his neck to the chest while moving the back of his hand over it. Pete closed his eyes and took in a sharp breathe as he felt the tender touches over his body.

Ae brought his hand slightly lower and then wrapped it around the cute guy pulling him closer. The temperature inside the room seems to rise with each passing minute. "Pete...." Ae called making the cute guy open his eyes and look at his husband. "I love you..." Ae said inching closer and then gently pressed his lips to Pete.

Pete fisted his hands into Ae's hairs while he tilted his head in order to get better access to the lips. Ae's hands started to roam over Pete's back making shiver run down Pete's spine. The cute guy moved his hips trying to get some friction for his hardened length.

Their breathes got heavy and their hearts were hammering inside their chests. Ae licked the crack and Pete took the cue and parted his lips letting Ae's tongue invade his insides. Ae begin licking and sucking Pete's tongue and Pete was responding with same intensity. They sucked the breathe out of each other.

Ae put a little distance between their faces while he extended his hand towards the night stand to grab the necessities but Pete pulled him back. "Ae.... I want to feel you..." Pete said in a soft tone. Ae looked at Pete and then pulled his hand back placing it on Pete's waist.

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