Chapter Ten

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"Why did you take me there?" Dean asked, he felt so tired he was emotionally exhausted. "Come here, Dean," Cass said as he parted his legs. Dean settled between them, and Castiel wrapped his arms around him. "I like the way you say my name; coming from you, it sounds so sexy," Dean tried to lighten the mood. He knew what Cass was about to tell him wouldn't be pretty at all. "It was to save Sam. He is walking a dangerous path, Dean. I am sure you have noticed something has changed with him. The deal your mother made left Sam vulnerable. He was given blood by a demon, and it gave him some form of gift, but if he continues using that gift he will need more demon blood, and even I can't predict what will happen if he consumes demon blood to strengthen this gift. What I am sure of is that it won't be anything good." "Okay, so what do we do?" Dean asked. He loved Sammy; he was all he got, and he had promised his father he would do anything he could to protect him. "If he stops using this gift, there won't be a problem; he will be fine," Cass answered.

Sam had gone to stop some demons; he was working with a demon called Ruby. Ruby was helping him practice his gifts. The more he used them, the stronger they became, but the more energy it took. He would feel so weak after using his gift; he could hardly stand after an exorcism. When Ruby saw this, she advised him to drink a bit of her blood; it would give him strength, and it did. Sam would drain some of the blood from the demons before killing them and drank to his fill. He became addicted to how the blood made him feel and more so how much it amplified his powers. Sam felt unstoppable, but at the back of his mind, he knew Dean would disapprove, but he didn't care. He was helping people, at least that's what he told himself when he chugged down demon blood. When Sam got back, he found Dean sitting on a chair in the room, whistling. He looked like he was in a happy mood. "What's up with you? Did you get laid while I was out? And I hope you used your bed, not mine," Sam said as he headed for the shower.

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