Chaper Two

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"Bobby threw a punch at Dean, but Dean dodged it. 'Bobby, it's me. It's really me!' Dean tried to plead. 'The hell it is,' Bobby bellowed, trying to hit him again. He went for the silver knife, but Dean beat him to it. 'Okay, let me prove it. Would any of the supernatural creatures you know be able to do this?' Dean cut himself with the silver knife. Bobby was surprised, to say the least. 'Dean, how?' Bobby asked. 'Honestly, I don't know, but I think Sam cut a deal. That's what I would have done,' Dean explained.

Bobby, out of nowhere, splashed Dean with holy water, and nothing happened. 'Sorry, you can never be too careful.' Dean didn't even have a response to that. 'Where is Sam?' Dean asked. 'I don't know. A month after you died, he disappeared. I tried finding him, but he didn't want to be found, so I let him be,' Bobby explained.

Dean borrowed Bobby's computer. A few hours later, they were standing at the door of Sam's motel room. When Sam opened the door, he tried kicking the crap out of his brother. Bobby explained to Sam, after restraining him, that it was really Dean. Sam hugged his brother. He couldn't believe it was him. What the actual hell? He had tried everything to bring him back, but nothing worked. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in months just thinking of that gruesome day. He hadn't seen those hellhounds drag his brother's soul to hell, but he had seen the fear in his brother's eyes and heard the pain in his voice. 'Sammy, did you cut a deal to bring me back?' Dean asked. 'No, I wish I had tried, but no demon could agree. I am sorry I failed you, Dean,' Sammy said with unshed tears in his eyes. 'It's okay, Sammy. You know you can never fail me, but we now have a bigger problem. If you didn't bargain for my soul to be saved from hell, who did?' Dean was now getting worried about a demon they could handle, but if the thing that saved him was much worse? 'I know a psychic; she is the real deal. Let's go ask her,' Bobby suggested, and to the Impala, they went. Dean had missed Baby and driving her on the open road. They headed to the psychic's house. Dean said a silent prayer, hoping the uncomfortable feeling in his gut wasn't a warning sign because he sure as shit wasn't ready to die again, at least not a few hours after escaping hell, well, being dragged out to be exact."

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