Chapter Eight

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"Dean, aside from the fact that I am your mother past, present, and future, so I would know those eyes anywhere, I am a hunter. I have seen weird shit, not this weird but weird nonetheless. Now go back home, live your life, and know that I love you very much." She reached out to Dean and kissed his forehead before Dean was brought back to the present by Cass.

Dean started to hyperventilate; his whole body was shaking. What the actual fuck? All he knew at that moment was pain and anger, hence the reason why he was currently pointing a gun at Cass. "Dean, please put the gun down; you know it will do nothing to me," Cass gently stated. "I know it won't, but it will make me feel a hell of a lot better putting holes in that meat suit you are wearing. How fucked up are you? What the hell! Why would you show me that? What was I to stop exactly, my damn sanity? I just saw my mother choose death over us; do you know how painful that is?" Dean was furious. How dare he!

"I didn't show you that to hurt you; I did that to give you some bit of hope or even a small chance to save Sam. This was the easiest way." "Easiest? Buddy, you and I have very different definitions of easy." Dean wasn't having none of it.

"Dean, please calm down; at least give me a chance to explain," Cass said as he slowly approached Dean. He kept walking until the gun was in contact with his chest. "Look at me, Dean; do you honestly believe I mean you any harm? Give me the gun." Dean's hands started shaking as he relinquished custody of the gun to Cass. He felt himself collapsing into Castiel's awaiting arms. "I've got you, Dean. I've got you." Dean held on to Castiel for dear life, then he let out a scream he had been holding onto ever since he crawled out of the grave.

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