6 | Serious Discussion

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I know. I'm with the Search and Rescue division," my dad disclosed.

"Really? Then you of all people should know how valuable every moment is to save a life," he replied while furrowing his brows.

He then quickly added, "Quite frankly, I shouldn't be the one having this conversation with you. The HPSC should be made aware of your daughter's quirk. This isn't a light discussion that can be dismissed so easily."

"Respectfully Sir, given the nature of my daughter's quirk, her well being is more valuable. And it's her choice alone to decide when she is older to aid where she can, when she can. Not ours, or yours, or even the HPSC's decision," my dad returned, driving the point that I was a child and my life was in my own hands.

He also hinted to the fact my quirk had a serious drawback that put me in a coma if I looked too far.

"And before you say anything more, we would appreciate you not sharing the details regarding our daughter and her quirk to anyone. Including the HPSC. It is within our right as her parents to ask of this from you," my mom delivered the final blow.

Chief Akagi had a dumbfounded look on his face. He couldn't believe my parents resolve. Or my aunts supportive and intimidating presence during the whole discussion.

The brief silence that followed made me glance up at my family by my side then at the dazed man sitting before us. However, he caught my gaze and decided to rope me directly into the conversation.

"What do you think young lady? Do you want to save people like what you did today?"

My parents gawked in surprise at his directed questions towards me.

"Chief, you can not be serious," my aunt said in a defensive way.

"I apologize for overstepping, but your niece," he started while looking at my aunt.

"Your daughter," he said while looking at my parents.

"Can share her own thoughts about what she wants to do with her own power. Perception type quirk users are statistically ninety percent more mature than those in their age group because of the experiences they have from the use of their quirk. And once again I am sorry for overstepping but she has a right to share how she feels about it too," he made a sound argument because I was more mature than everyone in my class.

My mom and dad looked at each other with similar reluctant expressions on their faces before looking down at me. They couldn't deny the fact I was more mature or the fact I could share my thoughts on the matter. So they rested a hand on either my shoulders and encouraged me to speak my mind as the Chief suggested.

And before I spoke, I felt the familiar feeling of my vision flowing the way it should with this situation. The after images briefly flashed in my head and I knew this is what was supposed to happen.

"Um. . . I don't like what I saw in my-my vision. . . It was scary and I'm g-glad I helped stop it by telling my aunty Midnight. . . I don't want to see anyone get hurt like that again. . ." I mumbled while fidgeting with my hands again.

The Chief gave a nod and was about to say something, but I quickly added while looking him dead in the eyes:

"But y-your right Mr. Chief sir that perception quirk users are more mature. . . Wise beyond their years so to speak. . . So I know too t-that if I were to agree with your reasoning and use my quirk now, it would be wrong since I'm only a child. Not only would my childhood be replaced by keeping up with the demands of authority figures like you, so would my health be at risk due to the parameters of my quirk I am not obligated to disclose," I stated with a mature tone.

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