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The sky was a dark gloomy grey and the clouds were pouring rain down to the pavement. Making my way to my pure black Ford Mustang I pulled the hood of my jacket over my long brown hair. If it got wet it would frizz up so bad it wouldn't fit in my car. School had started ten minutes ago so I was already late. No reason to hurry then, so I headed to the drive thru to get some breakfast.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" The voice asked over the speaker.

"Sausage Mcmuffin with just cheese and a mocha frappe." I said seriously thinking about getting more food than I needed. "Add a strawberry banana smoothie too."

"$7.96 at the first window please." the guy sounded bored as he said my total.

God I'd hate working fast food in the morning too so I can't blame him.

I pulled up to the window and dug through my bag to find the money I had. When the guy opened his window I started to hand him a ten dollar bill, but he quickly pulled his hand back. He might have been twenty one at the most. His name tag said, Jarrod, and he was rocking a just rolled out of bed shaggy hairstyle along with a few tattoos peeking out from under his uniform shirt.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's just on the house." He smiled. "Pretty girls in nice cars always get free breakfast."

I smiled and let a chuckle fall from my lips. "You sure?"

He nodded vigorously. "Yeah, just tell me your name gorgeous."

"Brooke." I said.

The car behind me honked so Jarrod sighed. "Go ahead and go, but I hope I see you again Brooke."

"Maybe if you're lucky." I winked.

I got my food and headed to school. Once I parked in the lot in the honor roll parking places, I got out and headed inside. After I was in the building I yanked my hood off and smoothed out my hair. I had to sign in since I'm late, but if that hot guy Eric is in the office he'll let it slide.

Sure enough in the office behind the desk sat Eric Adams. He was good looking on his worst days, but usually he was hot enough to melt girls panties. He flirted shamlessly with me. Not that I mind. Plus it comes in handy. His head bobbed in a nod as I entered the office.

"Late one again Brooke? Must have had a long weekend." He smirked leaning forward in his chair.

"Oh yeah, long weekend even though today is Wednesday. I forgot to set my alarm last night and just woke up late." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Well since first period isn't over yet I could let this slide and no one would ever know." Eric said.

"That'd be awesome of you Eric." I smiled brightly.

"Awesome enough to get you to go out with me?" he asked smirking again as he filled out my pass.

I hate when boys think they're hot shit, even if they are. "I'll get back to you on that. Thanks for letting it slide Eric."

As I hurried to class I heard him mumble something under his breath, but I couldn't make out what it was. It didn't matter though because he'd already excused my tardy. Plus I was used to people talking about me under their breath. I gave my pass to my first period English teacher, Mrs. Keller, and she rolled her eyes as I took my seat in the back next to my best friend Madison.

"That's seven this month." Madison whispered in my direction while the teacher continued her lesson.

"All excused. What can I say, I like sleep." I laughed. "Mrs. Keller hates me anyway."

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