Chapter 40 - Our Home

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Here is a reminder of what Raziel's tattoo looks like ^^

Kai's POV

"You two seem much happier," I say as I enter the kitchen.

Declan smiles and nods while Lance giggles and says, "Declan and I talked about everything. We're both starting to come to terms with me leaving."

"But we agreed it wasn't an ending," Declan adds and Lance grins and blows Declan a kiss which immediately has him cooing at how cute Lance is being.

Raziel filled me in on what happened at Declan's House. I told him he didn't have to finish telling me about what happened with Yael because he was really struggling to get the words out, but he insisted, and I tried my best to comfort him throughout the entire thing. He was a mess, and it didn't help that his fever spiked again.

He told me that earlier last night with Declan was the first time he ever revisited those memories, and I was the first person he'd ever shared so many details with. I couldn't imagine how heartbreaking it must have been for him to follow an order like that and then to share that memory after so long. But my angel was brave, and I was proud of him for the way he helped Declan and the way he finally let himself grieve.

"Breakfast for my favourite brother." Declan smiles and places an egg salad sandwich and some orange juice in front of me.

"I'm your only brother."

He grins. "That's why you're my favourite."

I giggle and roll my eyes before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"What is Raziel going to do with the book?" Lance asks before biting into his semi-transparent version of a sandwich.

I finish chewing the bite in my mouth before replying. "It's in my father's safe. I changed the combination so only Raziel and I know it, but that's a temporary solution. Long term, no idea."

They nod and we shift the conversation to school. I end up smiling non-stop throughout breakfast because Lance and Declan are being so cute. They are both in high spirits and they keep glancing at each other when they think the other one isn't watching, and when their gazes do meet, they giggle and wink or make kissy faces.

Once we're finished, Declan gets ready for school while I wash up and chat with Lance. After they leave the house, I go upstairs and slip under the covers to cuddle with Raziel. He immediately gravitates towards my warmth and buries his face in my neck before falling back into a deep sleep.

I touch his neck and forehead finding them both still warmer than they should be but he isn't burning up like he was last night. I grab my phone from my nightstand, deciding to scroll through social media until Raziel wakes up.

"Good morning," a groggy Raziel mumbles a few hours later, and I toss my phone to the side so I can focus on him.

"Good afternoon," I whisper, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

Raziel's head snaps up. "What! We're late for school!"

I cling to him as he tries to get out of bed. "We're not going today. I have all my classes with Milan today and she agreed to give me her notes."

"School is important. You can't miss it."

"Okay, Daddy," I say, rolling my eyes and Raziel frowns.

"I'm serious! You shouldn't be missing school."

I giggle and place a tender kiss on his lips. "I know, but you had a really long, emotionally and physically exhausting day yesterday. I wanted you to get some much needed rest, and I also wanted to comfort you and spend time with you."

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