Chapter 33 - The Party

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Disclaimer: I am not condoning underaged or irresponsible drinking. The drinking age in my country is sixteen and in some other countries that is also the legal drinking age for the alcohols mentioned in this chapter. With that in mind, all the characters that will be consuming alcohol in this chapter are seventeen or older. 

Kai's POV

"You look amazing," Raziel whispers as a radiant smile lights up his face. He cups my face and presses a chaste kiss to my lips before his eyebrow knit together. "But was there not enough colour for your entire jacket?"

I burst into a fit of giggles and I hear Milan who is leaning against the back of the couch nearby giggling as well. "That's just how it was made, it's a style," I force out through giggles.

Raziel frowns, running his hands down the front of my opened Jean jacket. One side is a light pink colour that matches my hair, and the other side is a solid jet black colour. "Won't you be cold?" he inquires, examining the thin, plain white shirt I'm wearing underneath.

"We're taking a car to and from the party, and the party is inside, so it should be okay," I reply, stroking my angel's cheek.

"The Uber is here," Milan announces and the three of us head out to the waiting car.

On the short walk to the car Raziel tries to give me the white bomber jacket that he is wearing so I wouldn't be cold which has me giggling and cooing at how incredibly sweet he's being.

"Kai?" Milan, who is now sitting in the front seat, turns around to face me. "I've been putting off asking you this all evening, but weren't you bullied by a guy named Declan?"

"Yup, it was the same Declan we went shopping with today. We worked it out. Turns out, he's my brother."

Milan's eyes widen and she gasps. "Your parents sent him off for adoption but kept you!"

"What?" My eyebrows knit together as I try to figure out how she jumped to that conclusion. "I guess I should have said half brother. My dad had another child, and we only recently found out we were related."

Realisation dawns on Milan's face and she nods, spinning back around in her seat. My mind drifts back to earlier that evening. My make out session with Raziel was getting heated, and we even moved things to the bedroom, but Milan showed up and interrupted us.

I thought she was going to be coming over much later, but apparently she only went home to grab her makeup and drop off some of her shopping before coming over. Raziel seemed annoyed that she interrupted, but wasn't mean to her. However, he didn't really want to hang out with us, so he ended up napping while Milan and I chatted and continued getting to know each other.

A few minutes later, we arrive at Jax's house where the party is being held. Given the number of cars parked outside of his house and down the street, it seems like the entire school is here. The thumping sounds of EDM music can be heard from outside the door, only increasing when we manage to fling the door open and step into a dimly lit room with colourful strobe lights.

The back wall is lined with beer kegs, and red plastic cups are stacked upside-down in pouches attached to the sides of the kegs. To the right are some sofa chairs and a couch which look like they were pushed to the side to make room for the dancefloor, which is framed by massive speakers on either side.

To the left is a DJ, thoroughly enjoying himself as he jams out to his own music. Most of the people are on the dancefloor, holding their red cups and enjoying the music while others are making out on the sofas or refilling their drinks at the back.

"Raziel!" Ayaan screams, rushing over and hugging Raziel who scowls but awkwardly pats Ayaan's back. Raziel's scowl only deepens when Ayaan pulls me into a tight hug before hugging Milan. "Let's get you drinks!" he yells, downing the contents of his cup and beckoning us to follow him.

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