I keep my mouth shut and choose not to react.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue, Mr. Stone?"

Having had enough, I still don't reply. I turn off the kitchen light and walk over to the couch in the living room. As I lay on the sofa in the dark, I see Diana stand in front of me. She opens her mouth as if she is about to say something, but closes it. After a while, I hear her sigh and walk away.

I think she is going to leave, but am relieved when she begins walking upstairs to my room. I couldn't live with myself if she went out at this time in the morning all alone like that.

Around thirty minutes pass and I finally doze off, but a few hours later I wake up. The couch is very uncomfortable compared to my bed, but I would have to deal with it.

I try to go back to sleep after checking the time and seeing it is only five, but I am not successful. I decided to go check on Diana. Tip toeing up the stairs to prevent waking her.

Tip toeing in my own house. Never thought I would be doing that, but here I am.

When I reach my room, she is peacefully sleeping. Her curly long red hair pushed around messily and long legs revealed. How could someone still look so beautiful sleeping? It was unreal. Diana's beauty was unreal. I hadn't seen anything like her.

Maybe that was the reason I was so attracted to her. The women I had been with or seen before were decent enough to get me going a little. But Diana. I had gotten turned on when she slapped me. Fucking slapped me.

I move the blanket over her body before leaving the room. Going back downstairs and to the couch, I take one of my sleep pills. Thankfully, I doze off shortly after.


I bury my face in my pillow after ending the call with Val and Audrey.

All of that? I really did all of that?

They had reminded me of everything I had done Tuesday. Which was now three days ago, and I was still feeling the aftermath of it. I couldn't remember much about that night except waking up in Dante's house and the argument we had shortly after.

I still felt bad about that argument, and I hated it. I loved arguing. It was one of the few things I was good at. I like to see their faces turn red and the anger evident in their body language. It filled me with odd happiness.

But now, I didn't feel that odd happiness and I didn't like it at all.

Dante and I hadn't spoken to each other since that night and all I was waiting for was that 'You're fired' call from him. I had crossed the line with having him interfere with my life because I couldn't hold my alcohol.

Ah, Diana, you idiot!

After Slamming my head against the pillow multiple times, I sit up. It was three in the afternoon and I was still in bed. I had called in sick for the second day in a row and I was dreading to go back to work tomorrow, knowing Edward would pile tons of work on me for taking this long off. In fact the only reason he had let me stay off today was my because it was my birthday.

I didn't like celebrating it. To me it was just a normal day. My friends had wished me happy birthday and a few coworkers. They knew I didn't want anything so I wasn't like sad or anything.

Fiona would walk in the door soon since she didn't have volleyball practice, so I got off the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I take my phone off the counter to turn on music while I clean, but there is a call.

I pick it up and my heart drops when I see it is Dante.

It's time.

I answer and take a deep breath before speaking. "Hello?"

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