15. Dinner With Stones

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"Don't forget I need you to do a night shift tomorrow, okay?" Edward says as I walk out of the hospital.

"Okay." I replied hurriedly. I was already late to dinner with Dante's family. I knew it wouldn't be long before he called looking for me.

Right as I said that, my phone began to ring, and I answered it as I sat at the bus stop.

"Where the hell are you?" Was Dante's first question.

"I'm at the bus stop w- wait, where are you?" I ask, hearing loud commotion through the phone.

"I'm here. Which you were supposed to be about fifteen minutes ago." He says, annoyance in his tone.

"I know, I know. I got off work a little later than I thought I would. Fiona won't be coming so I should be there soon."

Fiona and I had decided that since she was older, I could start letting her watch herself at home instead of asking someone to watch her. It had gone well when I went to the reunion with Dante, so I figured why not. I was still worried about her staying home alone, but I would have to trust nothing would happen to her.

"I'll pick you up. "

"No, I don't need your help. I'll get there in about fifteen minutes." I hang up before he has a chance to reply.

As I wait for the bus to arrive, I recall my day. It had to be one of the busiest yet. Between assisting Dr. Edward with the c section we had to perform, today being wash day for patients, meaning I had to wash and groom all elderly patients and to add on, one of our top nurses was sick.

When the bus arrives, after paying, I take a seat in the back where I usually sat. I had left my headphones at home by accident, so I would just have to look out the window today. Staring out the bus window, I can't help but think of what Dante's parents might think of me. If they were anything like Dante, I was doomed.

I assumed Dante's mom would be the nicest one. The little times he spoke about his family, he always had a smile on his face when he talked about her. Unlike when he spoke about his brother and father. I remembered him telling me about Carter. I couldn't decipher his thoughts on him. He wore the same unreadable expression as he did when he talked about his dad. I guess I would just have to wait and see.

As the driver turned to the left side of the road, I glanced at the trees that surround a barn and shuddered slightly. Memories of my childhood flood to my head. The man would always keep me in a barn that looked similar to the barn I saw now. The dark and cold nights I spent all alone in a barn full of viscous creatures waiting to treat me like I was a piece of meat.

But I'm not there anymore. I won't let them control me like that anymore. I'm safe now and I'll be damned if anyone will get close to doing that to me again.

I shake off the thoughts and feelings of my childhood, turning away from the barn as we get closer to Dante's neighborhood. The driver stops the bus at a bus stop which is about six houses from Dante's. I thank him and begin walking.

When I reach his place I step on Dante's, 'Go away.' mat outside of his door and try to prepare myself. I decide to act out the best way this can go.

"Hello, I am your son's girlfriend D-" I stomp my foot on the mat. "Damn-it Diana, it's fiance! Let's try this again."

I get back into character. Pretending I am speaking to Dante's parents.

"Hello, I am Dante's fiance, Diana Ambrose." I hold my hand out and pretend to shake his mom's hand.

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