13. No panties

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I slam my computer shut. Not hard enough to break it but enough to express my anger.

After scrolling on Facebook instead of trying to sleep on my off day, I am mad at what I have seen. Everyone was posting about that stupid highschool reunion tonight. I hated it. Everybody with their great jobs, amazing husband's and straight A children, it made me sick to my stomach.

I didn't understand why we had to go back and see people from highschool anyway. Why would I want to fake like I enjoyed going to school with them?

What really infuriated me was the message Kiera had sent me about it. Reading, "Hope to see you tonight. I'll be with Richard and you'll be with no one!"

Who writes that? It barely made any sense. It was like she was trying to get under my skin and it had worked. She was still the same home-wrecker she was before. God, I hated her.

If I had decided to go to the highschool reunion, it would only show how right she was about me. Especially going alone.

Or maybe I didn't have to.

A light bulb went on in my head as I thought of ways I could prove Kiera wrong. But as I thought more about it, I winced. It was an incredibly stupid and pathetic idea, but when I wanted to prove someone wrong, I would go lengths do it. I had to be right. And that's what I was going to do. Whether it meant losing all the pride I had.

I pick up my phone and dial Dante. He doesn't answer the phone the first time, but I keep trying until he finally answers after calling the third time.


"I hate asking for favors, especially you b-"

"This is the second time you've said that, yet you continue to ask me, so you must not hate it that much,"

I am taken aback by his comment and almost lose track of why I had called. But I didn't, thankfully.

"As much as I'd love to argue with you, I can't."

"Diana, why did you call me?"

"Did anyone ever tell you, your house is decorated beautifully." I compliment.

"What do you want?" He instantly asks, catching on.

"Okay, it's my highschool reunion tonight, and I didn't want to go but this stupid bitch I used to go to school with named Kiera is going with my ex who is now her boyfriend."

I can practicality see his shrug, "What the fuck does that have to do with me?"

"I need you to pretend to be my fiance."

"I could have sworn we already had this conversation. Except I was the one asking which resulted in you laughing in my face. I wanted to blow your head off. I remember it like it was yesterday." He replies with a small laugh.

"It was like a month ago."


I can't believe it has already been a month since I agreed to this deal. Which means in four more months I would have a better life for Fiona and I. Hopefully maybe even less than that.

"Anyway, I want to prove her wrong. Would you please come?"

He takes a minute to respond. "Fine. I'll be there."


"Yeah. When and where is it?"

"It starts at seven thirty tonight and is at my old highschool, Valley High."

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