8. Just Friends

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"I don't know, something seems fishy." Micheal says over the phone after I invited him for dinner.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I don't know. You don't usually let anyone in your house. Why the sudden interest now? What's really the reason?"

"Alright, fine. Daniel wants to have dinner with Diana and our friends to see if we're legit. I'm hoping he'll lay off after this so I can pay Diana and go about my life."

He pauses for a minute before responding, "I'll be there."

"Good. Bring some friends."

"What are those?" He says.

"Micheal just bring a few of the guys. Ricky, Jamal, you know."

"So your employees? Because those are literally my coworkers. Speaking of that, I'm still pissed off about you firing John for not cleaning the money on time. He bought me lunch every-"

"It wasn't just because he didn't wash the money on time, he also stole clean money from the warehouse and he smells like shit. Literal dog shit. I didn't pay him that much just not to wash his ass."

"Alright, that's valid. He did smell like shit, I'll give you that. So I can bring Jerry, right?"

"Not fucking Jerry. He's another shitter. I bet he doesn't even wipe his ass. "

"You're a goddamn asshole man."

"Not an asshole. Just honest. Be here by seven." I say before hanging up.

It had just turned five, so I figured I had about an hour and thirty minutes to make dinner.

I hadn't invited anyone over for dinner, so I didn't know what to make. If I didn't like cooking I would have said fuck it and bought take out. But I enjoyed cooking and baking. A lot.

When I was a little boy and my dad was out, I always made cakes for ma. I remember the smile on her face as she took her first bite.

At the grocery store, I picked up the ingredients for a home baked lasagna along with chocolate chip cookies.

After preheating the oven, I start on the brown beef and sausage. Once that is done and I drain the fat, I begin the noodles.

There is a knock on the door when I am about to put the oil in.

"Whoever it is, you're gonna have to wait outside I said seven."

When I open it, I see Diana and I raise an eyebrow at what she has brought.

"Most people bring a dish of food or wine. But a napkin?"

"I'm broke and I can't cook. My options were limited. Be grateful I brought anything," She grins and hands me the napkin.

I accepted it and put it in my pants pocket. I run my eyes over her appearance. Her red hair is thrown in a neat bun, and she is still wearing her green scrubs.

She must have just gotten off work.

I watch as she puts her hands in her pants pocket.

I wonder if she's ever been fucked in scrubs before?

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want to fuck me or something. It's weird."

"I do." I admit with no shame. I open the door wider for her to come in and her eyes grow wide as she steps inside.

"You're joking, right?"

Perfectly Wrong For MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora