CHAPTER 40 ↠ stolen goods

Start from the beginning

"I thought you were staying for a while longer at camp," he says.

"And I am. But you have something of mine," she accuses. "You took it by the lake, yesterday."

"Ah!" Finn exclaims as if he had forgotten. "You mean the drawings or the necklace?" he asks playfully.

"You can keep the drawings, they're worthless. But the necklace..."

"Ah, so you just want the expensive stuff?"

"When it's a necklace like that, yes," Bea says annoyed.

"It's all in my apartment." Finn gets closer. "If you want, we can go and get them now," he suggests.

"I have no time to go to your apartment. I've already wasted my time looking for you there. Tomorrow, leave the necklace where you found it."

"All right. I will."

Finn gets closer again and leans in, but Bea turns her face away, again. He stops for a second, looking at her adverted eyes and then kisses her cheek, this time understanding that the first time she stepped away had meaning after all.

"Don't be upset with me, Bumble. I was only joking and giving you a reason to come here and see me."

"You took it without consent, Finn," Bea says strongly. "I don't appreciate having my belongings, no matter their price, stolen from me."

"I'm sorry, all right?" He says as he caresses her face.

"Tomorrow. No later than, or I'll turn your apartment upside down until I find it."

Bea then sighed. She knew Finn had no malicious intentions and she could see he wasn't expecting her to be so upset. Bea got on her tip-toes, kissed him softly and then started walking to the doors.

"Mind you, those drawings aren't worthless. I'd pay for them, I would."

"Liar," she says as she turns around with a smile.

"Not lying at all. I would pay for them and show everyone how you like to draw me," he says cockily. "So that everyone knows you only think of me, even when I'm not even with you."

"Don't gloat. It doesn't suit you."

Finn smiles anyway.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Finn."

Bea opens the doors and leaves. As she walks to the entrance of the Garrison she stops by the small private room as Tommy was at the door, with his glass and cigarette in hand.

"Solved your problems?" he asks light-hearted.

"Just a misunderstanding."

"As long as you don't point a gun at him..."

Bea rolls her eyes, but as she had cleared everything with Finn, she was more cheerful.

"I'm glad to be back," Bea affirms.

"Good. We'll talk better about your time in New York later, when you come to my office, all right?"

"Sounds great. I'll be staying at camp for another week or so."

"Take your time with your family," Tommy acknowledges. "When you return to stay with Polly, I have a proposition for you. But we'll talk better after you have your time with Bonnie and Aberama."

"Thank you, Tommy. And thank you for the opportunity and letting me come back so soon."

"Four months isn't that soon. You've done enough, Bea."

"More than enough," Polly agrees and shows up behind Tommy.

Tommy steps to the side to let Polly move forward and hug Bea.

"I've been busy, but the house is much better with you in it."

"If you'll still have me, I'll come back in a week's time."

"You're always welcomed, my darling. And I want to know about New York as well. Don't tell everything just to Tommy."

"I'll tell you everything Polly," Bea lies, since she wasn't going to mention hers and Michael's last argument. "I have to go back now."

"All right. See you soon," Polly says before hugging Bea again and she leaves the Garrison. 

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now