Chapter 23

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"Good morning" Hannah smiles, "morning" I sit down, Hannah tilts her head as Elizabeth sits next to me, "slept in the same room, did we?" I shrug "she had a nightmare" Hannah pouts "aw poor baby" Elizabeth smiles a bit, "but you slept well?" We both nod. Sleep isn't really what's on our mind, though, Elizabeth seems a bit upset, which is now making me worry.

"I heard you had someone in your room last night" Ethan hums, "hm?" I look at him, "did it make you feel less lonely?" I frown, "what are you trying to get at?" I ask, he sits next to me, "was it just a nightmare?" I tilt my head, "I don't understand, what are you talking about?" He looks at me, "do you love me?" He asks, I stare at him, where did this come from? Why is he bringing this up now? "Ethan" "you don't do you" he cuts me off, "I never said I didn't love you" "then why were you so close to Elizabeth last night?" I frown then smile "are you jealous?" I ask, he looks at, rather quickly "she's a wonderful person! I just want to know where we all sit" I shrug, "I wouldn't have a clue, Ethan" he looks down, "you love me, but you're not mine" I tilt my head, "if she makes you happy" "Ethan, your making this sound like we just broke up, and Liz and I are dating, we're not" he looks at me again, "but we're not either, are we?" "you never asked me out, so, that's your fault" I pat his head before standing, "Ethan, I love you, but you're not mine either" I catch his eyes, I smile then walk away.

Victoria hums, and dances around, she had been asking questions, but I zoned out, so I have no idea what she's going on about, either way, she's annoying me. "Another question" she turns to me, "are you in a relationship?" I frown, now thinking about it, this type of topic has been floating around all day, "yep, with myself" I answer, I get up and walk to the table full of foods and drinks, "I love me, and only need me" I hum, before picking up a cake, "you don't love you, I'm not stupid, I adore you trying to make it seem like you love yourself, however, you don't need anyone else, that I believe" I look at her, "in reality, everyone has needed you to carry them, but not once did you need them to carry you, Eve" "I told you not to call me that" "Eve" she smiles, I glare "you are the strong one, something that can't be easily replaced like the others, and even better, you have a connection with a monster, you have helped me, teach others how to be like you, if your weak you die, if your strong, you live" she waves her finger around, "the world has always worked like that, and those who were killed off for the last two months, were weak, and not suited to play a role in this game of chess" I think of Emily and Leo, they died within the last two months, and she called them weak, Emily didn't even get the chance, she was keeping me safe, and Leo, he fought until the end, to me, both of them are strong, they faced death while I ran from it, "lost in thought?" Victoria asks, "tell me what you're thinking" she smiles, "you called them weak" "and?" "I don't think their weak, they fought for their lives, and even faced death, I've ran away, over and over, they're stronger than me, and I'm no hero" Victoria frowns, "but you are a hero" "no, I'm not, a hero is meant to save lives, I've taken them" "the Invaders, don't count" "I've killed humans, more than once, I even killed one of the girls I was stuck with, I am no hero" Victoria taps her fingers, "you're a work of art you know" she smiles, "but in the eyes of the world, they'll see you as a hero" she walks to me, grabbing my arms, "a hero that saved the planet, that will be you" she smiles sickly sweet, "you'll get everything, money, new clothes, a house, land, food, everything, you can go see places without rocks being thrown at you, Ethan and you can go for that little trip that he's been going on about, you can get Camila back in school, you'll have a life, a new one, with a new reason to live" I move away, "I had a reason to live, I had all of that, but you took it away" "but I'm giving it back" "you can't give back my mother" Victoria's smile fades, "understand? You might give back those things, but you can't give me the most important thing, I didn't care if we had no food, water clothes or shelter, if I had her, I was fine, I could fight the world, and you took her away from me" Victoria stares at me, I want to pull her apart, but I know I can't, so, I walk away.

"You, okay?" Elizabeth sits next to me, I lift my head up, looking at her, a sadden frown goes along her pretty face, she hugs me, "what happened? Did you and Cam fight again?" I shake my head, tears drip down my nose, painting her shirt, "then what? Talk to me" I open my mouth; can I even say anything? I feel like I'll start screaming if I do, "you don't have to right now, I can wait till your calmer, I don't mind" she says softly, "I'm here, I'm here".

I wonder, my mind still floating with thoughts. But ranting to Elizabeth made me feel better, so, I guess that's a win. With that being said, my mind is still racing.

"What are you going on about now?" Hannah sighs, I stop, looking over, seeing through the door, that is slightly cracked, "I told you" Ethan sits down, "if you can't understand it, then don't ask" "but I need to understand, Ethan, Eve is changing, not just physically but mentally too, didn't you see how she killed Zoe? Her face was blank, it was like looking at a monster" "Eve, is not, a monster" he growls, "I'm not saying that what I'm saying is that she's changing, and she needs our help" "if she needs help, she'll ask for it" Hannah shakes her head, "are you stupid? Can't you see it? She's begging for help, sometimes you can't ask, Eve has always helped us, we need to do the same, she's hurting Ethan, if you love her, you'll help" "I think Elizabeth does a good enough job" his tone goes cold, "Ethan grow up! Liz can do so much!" Hannah snaps, "you're such a dick!" She yells, before heading towards the door, I quickly walked away, turning the corner, so, if she sees me, she won't know I had been there.

"Everyone seems to be fighting over you" Camila rests on me, I look at her, "really?" I ask, she nods "yep" Camila sighs, "I think it's kind of silly" I nod "not wrong" Camila looks at me, "really, it's annoying" I mutter, "don't stress about it too much" I smile "I won't, I know their just worried" Camila sighs, "just don't do anything reckless" "I won't".

I won't do anything reckless...

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