Chapter 9

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I look up, the building looked gloomy, many shades of greys and whites. Camila grabs my hand, "do you think they'll really let us in?" I look at Zane, who nods, before walking towards the door, I look at Zaki, clicks come from him, but they don't seem annoyed, fearful, or otherwise. Ethan places his hand on my head, "what's the plan after we get group b out?" I look at him, "find somewhere to make camp, come up with a plan, after that, just hope we still have time" Ethan stares at me before looking at Zane who's talking to someone, "yeah, hopefully time is on our side" he walks towards Leo.

We walk down the hallway, again gloomy. No sound came from any of the rooms we passed, honestly it looks like the roof has been leaking, and the building looks like it's being crying, I mean I would cry too being in a place like this, it's as gloomy as the space house. Camila tugs on my arm, I look at her, she points to a door, I look at it, "is that blood?" she whispers, red pours from under the door, the handle was too covered in red, handprints seem to cling to the door as if the person didn't want to enter, I look at Camila, her eyes wide, "we're going to lose them" I start to pull her away from the door, her breathing is heavy, I grab Ethan, who looks at me, I hold onto him, while Camila holds onto me, I know he wants to ask, but seeing how freaked out Camila is, it's best no one says anything.

"Here" the woman looks at us, a mask covers her mouth, "in there?" Leo asks, she nods "that's right" She looks to the side, "I must warn you, if you're really a friend of theirs's, you may hope that they remember that" she opens the door, not giving us time to ask what she meant, we walk into the room, a glass wall splits us, "group b?" I call, "is that you 36?" I stare into the darken room, "yeah, we're here to pick you up" slowly, a girl walks towards the glass, "you came?" our eyes meet, I go to answer her, but blood drips down from her mouth, "where are the others?" I ask, a smile creeps onto her face, "gone" "pardon?" she smiles more "gone! All of them! Gone!" she laughs, "every one of them" "where are they?" I ask again, "dead or taken to another room!" she sits down, rocking slightly, "they" she points at the woman "tried to hurt us, in trying a male cut him arm, and like that!" she flings her arms up "every single one of us grew this strong hunger, we tore him apart!" She smiles at me, "have you lost yourself to madness yet 36?" she hums, "some aren't like that" the woman cuts in, "but most of them turn this way, and our women staff, were" she starts to lower her voice "raped, now laying eggs, and more of those monsters come out, we lost track of some, which got out" I look at the woman, "we kept one to study, quickly after eating, it grew, and reports have been coming in, talking about children killing people and growing up, but it's not just humans they find yummy, your kind as well" I glare, we're no different to her. I look back, "I have a final question" she tilts her head "how many have you killed?" she blinks, before looking up, as if thinking, before she grins "I'd say nearly hundred" I stare at her, as she starts to laugh, rocking herself, holding her head "I'll show you to everyone else" the woman mutters, we walk out, leaving the girl laughing in her own madness.

"Do you think we will turn out like that?" Hannah looks at us as we walk, "I hope not" Leo mutters, "she looked crazy" Ethan stares forward, listening to everyone's thoughts, I grab his hand "your quite" his eyes look at me, "sorry" I shake my head "no need to be sorry, everyone else seems to be talking about it, so, what is your thoughts about it?" Ethan rubs the back of his neck, "it's not pretty" he looks up, "but they went mad not to long after landing on Earth, so, I doubt we'll turn crazy, or at least not till the mission is done" I stare at him, "then what? If we go mad afterwards" Ethan smiles at me "well, we would have done the job, then die peacefully" I scoff "yeah, peaceful" I look over, Hannah and Leo are talking about the outcome, while Camila is staring at Zaki, an annoyed expression on her face.

"In there" the woman opens the door, sliding to the side, a glass wall is there once again, blue lights shine down, "we kept her in here, just in case she does the same as the others" the woman leans against the wall, I walk towards the glass, "36?" a face comes forward, "46, you're okay" I smile, she stares at me "you haven't lost it" she nods, "how did you find me?" she asks, "had a bit of help" I look at Zane, before looking back at her, "you're going to be okay, we need to get going, pick up anyone else that hasn't gone mad, and find a way to stop the invaders" she stands up, pressing her hands against the glass, "and how do you think we're going to do that? How many of us is there? Six?" "I know it sounds crazy-" "you are crazy! We don't even know how many are coming" she moves away from the glass, "minds off waiting till you go mad, we'll die either way" I glare "and what risk so many lives? We can only try" she sits down "I don't want to die" I move away from the glass, "well, you stay here then" her eyes look at me "if you're not going to help us fight, you will stay here, if madness kills you or loneliness, I don't care" I turn my back, "what if they go mad? What will you do then?" I smile a bit before looking at her, "I will not let anyone die that doesn't need too, and I know, if they go mad, they'll want me to kill them before they kill anyone" she lowers her head, "even your beloved sister?" I nod "correct" I walk out.

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