Chapter 12

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 Eyes stay on us, waiting, unsure if they too will be attacked. Was it right for Zaki to step in? Should I tried to stop it? Why didn't I move? If I did something, would the outcome be different? I shake my head, what matter right now, is getting out of here, and making sure Hannah is okay, that is what is important, we need to move, need to get out of here. "Zaki" I snap, causing him stop tearing up the left over flesh, "stop it" Zaki's tail sways, before standing up, clicks come from him before grabbing my arm, his nails dig in a little, Ethan glares a little, before checking on Hannah, "let's go" he looks at us, before we start to run, as we run, people throw things at us, food, drinks, knives, anything they can find, and being dragged behind, is really killing my leg.

"What the hell happened?" Zoe looks at us, "why would he attack us out of the blue? We didn't do anything" She sits down, Hannah gone pale, her breathing is getting weaker, Leo is doing his best to stop any more blood, but it doesn't seem to be working, Camila is wrapping up her arm, I had started to heal, because I was moving so much I couldn't block the cells, and make it stop bleeding, if only everyone else could, besides Zoe, but she wasn't even hurt, the spineless bitch. Ethan walks to me, handing me a cup of water, "Zane put pain killers in it, might help reduce the pain" I smile a bit, before taking it, I stare into the water, the smile now faded, "don't beat yourself up" he sits next to me, "no one is dead" I look at him, "well, other than the guy Zaki killed" I know he's trying to make me feel better, "it wasn't your fault, Eve" he smiles softly, "you couldn't do anything, we didn't see it coming, all what matters is that we got out of there, and we're safe" I look down again, "for now, Ethan" I whisper, "no, always, we're safe" I hear him move, "Eve, you shut down, and that's fine, everyone does, but you still got us out of there, we might be wounded, but we're alive, aren't we? So, stop beating yourself up okay?" "I never shut down, I always jump in when you guys are in danger" "but, we're no longer on the ship, threats are different, and your body doesn't know how to handle it" "I don't think my body knows how to handle anything!" I snap, a slight burning feeling stings the sides of my eyes, "Eve" Ethan pulls me down and hugs me, "don't touch me" I try to move, "you're not changing! You're not changing!" I scream, the chatter goes quiet, "Eve" Camila hugs me from behind, "it's okay, it's okay" she whispers, "you're okay" I stare at her from behind, her face is mostly hidden by my shoulders and her hair, but I know by her voice she's trying not to cry, "Eve, we're still here, and you'll be okay" Ethan smiles, before placing a soft kiss on my forehead, "just breathe" I sniff, an outburst I haven't had in a while, so use of bubbling up my feelings, staying strong for everyone else, and now, it's come out. "Sorry" I mutter, before smiling "I'm okay now" I move away from both, "I'm going to take a nap" I pat Camila's head, before walking away, finding somewhere to sleep.

I move a little, I can hear clicking, warmth, I groan, starting to annoy me. I open my eyes a little, Zaki lays on me, curled up, "what the" I whisper, Zaki moves a little, before eyes open, "what are you doing?" I tilt my head slightly, "came to check on you, your little outburst made me notice something" "what?" a smile, his teeth white, pure white, very noticeable against his pitch skin, "you are noticing your changes, you now know that your changing, but you're in denial, why?" "I'm not in denial" "yes you are, you think you can keep going without noticing?" a chuckle, "I thought you were smarter than that" I glare, "you know, you really are an asshole" "I sense a feeling, what is it? It's not anger, nor sadness" he moves closer to my face, "what are you feeling?" I stare at him, "are you guilty? Do regret it?" "I'm not guilty for you murdering that man, I'm guilty because I didn't stop them from hurting the others" "that will happen, you don't understand it, you won't understand it until you accept your changes" "It has nothing to do with me changing! I've become soft! Weak! Understand? I've become soft" Zaki freezes, "soft?" he tilts his head, "correct" I look away, "I think you're getting stronger, but isn't normal for a human to think this way? Your all very complexed, very annoying as well" I look at him, "but I like you, your sent is strong and sweet, you smell like that sweet at the strange shop, it was the golden brown colour" "Caramel" I answer, "that, it was somewhat sickly if you have to much of it, but sweet enough to keep eating it" I stare "are you comparing me to a sweet?" "yes, people around you either get sick because of how over sweet you are, I would say that's why sour face doesn't like you, but screaming girl likes you because your sweet to her, and the male I don't like can't get enough of you" "wow" I scoff, "you got all that from a sweet" "yep, I take in data remember?" "But it's sweets, what data can you get from that?" "easy, everything can have some form of data, your brain isn't like mine, not as well developed, I think you humans could get smarter, but you seem to get stupid instead" "thanks" "your welcome, but off topic" he sits up, "I think they wanted the world to see the ugly" I tilt my head, "what do you mean by that" "sometimes you're stupid, what I mean by that, is he attack you to get a reaction, he needed to show the world that you are no different to me" "we are different to you, we aren't trying to kill our planet" "but your kind has, not just humans, killing off animals, throwing your rubbish everywhere, and then using tech to change nature, you lot already doomed yourself, but you cross breeds, subjects, are killing humans, and you lot are trying to kill us, it's a war that would be pointless, but you humans always go to a war, its normal, and so, to gain reaction, to give the world a bad guy, they used you, to make you look like you're not helping them, when you're on Earth to save it" "the only one that gave them a reaction was you" "and that's what they wanted, I am the bad guy, aren't I?" "but having us there, and you keeping me safe, makes it look like we're teaming up" "so, you wanted to be shot?" "If it meant that the world wouldn't attack us when we go out there, then yeah, not only us Zaki, but Zane, who is fully human, he and his family could become targets!" "and that is human nature, you kill what you don't understand, you kill your own kind because they went against what you believe in, you humans are awful, understand? your awful" I stare at him, he's not wrong, it was the Invaders that took us as children, it was my own kind, humans took us away, "but" I sit up, "what your doing isn't going to help" "but if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to come home" "we would of been treated differently anyway, it just no one would try and murder us, because of you lot" Zaki looks up, his jaw moves, "what?" he shifts, "another" "another what?" his eyes look at me, "more, more of us are here, this country will die now" he grabs me, pulling me up, "we should go" he drags me, "you don't have the eggs yet, they'll kill you, but, once you do have the eggs, you can keep your friends safe, as they'll be seen as soldiers" I stare at him, watching him poke everyone telling them to move, "so, let's keep running" he looks at me, "until you accept yourself" Camila grabs my hand.

Accept myself?

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