Chapter 20

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"Camila!" I scream, before something moves from the corner of my eye, I turn to look at whatever moved, "Zaki? Zaki!" I call, making him look at me, he runs towards me, I see him holding something, I run to him, meeting him, "Cam?" I move her hair, blood drips down her temple, tears started to burn in my eyes, "Eve!" Ethan runs to me, hugging me, which makes Elizabeth whine, "sorry" he looks at her, "I'm so god damn glad your safe, when we heard you screaming, we couldn't find you, Zoe said you must have fallen over, and" "where is Zoe?" I ask, Ethan turns, showing me a wounded Hannah, and a perfectly fine Zoe, or seems fine, she can heal like I can, I hand Elizabeth to Ethan "what's the matter?" He asks, I walk towards Zoe before I slap her, her head turns to the side, I hear a gasp from the others, "that it for lying" I then kick her, making her fall, "and this" I grab her leg, "is for leaving Liz to die" I hear the bone start to shatter inside of her skin, before I rip it off, Zoe screams, "what the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch!" I throw her leg, before putting my foot on her chest, pushing down, hearing more bones beginning to crack, "you're the crazy bitch! You don't care for no one!" Zoe wiggles under me, "you left her for dead! You lied to my family! And you went to hurt my friend!" I push down more, Zoe grabs my leg, before throwing me off her, "did you hit your head? Your gone nuts!" Zoe snaps, I get back up, before kicking her in the face, her jaw breaks, she holds onto it, "you didn't even help Leo" I glare, "a young boy died tonight, and you don't care!" "that's because you're not my group!" I kick her again in the face, breaking her jaw that she just put back in place, "no, we're not" I lean down, grabbing her head, "I should of left you for dead, forty six" her eyes widen, before her skull crushes in my hands, I hear Hannah gag, I stand up, looking at them, I stare for a moment, fear...there was fear on their faces, I shift before looking away "it's not safe, let's keep moving" I whisper. "Your right!" I put my head up, before looking behind me, a woman, walks towards us, clapping her hands, "wonderful, your wonderful" her dress is large, puffy, covered in flowers, "shall we, children?" She asks, "who are you?" Ethan snaps, "ouch, how did you forget me?" She asks, before stepping closer, her face now in full view, "Lady Victoria" Hannah steps back, "what are you doing here?" Victoria smiles, "to give you, your reward of course" she clicks her fingers, men come out, shooting at Zaki, who screeches, "I'm glad he followed you, it would have been harder to track him, if he wasn't with you" Victoria hums, Zaki falls, "what did you do?" I ask, "put him to sleep for a little while" she clicks her fingers again, grabbing us, "your friends, their wounded, let's get them fixed" she walks towards her plane, I didn't even hear it, the men holding us pull us to the plane, Zaki is lifted and taken with us.

"How did you find us?" I ask, "I've been watching for a while now" Victoria lifts up her cup, "your job is nearly done, my dear" I stare at her, "I'm going to go live soon, show the whole world that the war is over" she takes a sip, "two months is a bit sooner than I thought, but to be fair, half of the planet is dead, so, it's not an issue" she smiles at me, "I'm sorry for your loss" for some reason, that stung, "I can find you another" "excuse me?" Victoria tilts her head, her long hair tilts with her, "I can find you another one, he was just a soldier after all, their easy to replace" I stare, in shock really, she clicks her tongue "now, now, don't give me that look, all of your friends are soldier's, and really, your my main player, I need you alive" Victoria smiles at me, "without you, the newest patches wouldn't know how to kill the Invaders, I didn't want to send out the little ones, but I seem to had no choice, so, the rest of the groups have been sent out to clean up the rest, so, all you have to do, is your final job, which I'll explain when we get home" "home?" She nods, "that's right, home" she says too sweetly.

We land, huge ass house, Zaki is carried away, Camila is placed on a bed, along with Elizabeth, I'm told their going to be taken to first aid, Hannah isn't badly hurt, so, she's staying with Ethan and I. We follow Victoria, she shows us her house, telling us what each room means, I can see a blue light under one of the doors, this makes Victoria pull me "can't go into that one, dear" "why?" I ask, "I don't remember you being so" she pauses for the words "you never asked questions" "I'm not a child who was scared that if she said something wrong, she'll be killed" Victoria places a finger to her chin "I guess that's a fair point" she smiles, before taking us into the kitchen, "I'm sure you're hungry, and don't want something to do with fish" she claps her hands, servants come out, placing meals along the table, "help yourself, I have a few things to do, but I shall return" she hums, before leaving.

I play with the food, thoughts on my mind, that is till Hannah asks what's wrong, I look at her, "she knew all along, she watched us" I look down, "Zaki had said something about us being watched, he knew all along" I stare at the food, "don't tell me you're feeling something towards that monster. Eve, we're free, we can finally have a normal type life, no more of this war crap" I look at her, "but the world hates us" "Victoria said she's going to change that, make it seem like Zaki was only with us, because you fooled him, made him think he was going to get his way, but in reality, you were going to kill him" I shift "so, that's the final job" I mutter, "I have to kill him" Hannah frowns, "I've told you from the start Eve, he is a monster, wither or not he's kept us safe, he would of killed us if it wasn't for you, so, don't think the pet is going to change heart, and you shouldn't either, he killed many, he caused many to die" "and we're no different!" I snap, "how many have we killed of his kind! We started this! We entered a planet without any knowing, took what wasn't ours, this is like any person in history, if it's the black people, the women, the LGBTQ+, it's no different, the only thing is that they're not from our planet" Hannah stares at me, "what is with you? You've been acting off" I look away, "I'm sorry" I get up, "eat the rest, I'm not hungry" I walk out.

"Eve!" Ethan calls, grabbing my hand, "we're worried about you" I look at him, "I know, forgive me" I sigh, "something just doesn't feel right, you know about me" I look down, "I keep blacking out, and when I come back, I'm covered in blood, I don't even feel anything towards me killing Zoe, I know I was mad at that point of time, but I don't feel anything, no guilt, nothing" I sniff, "I think something is wrong with me, Ethan" he cups my chin, "nothing is wrong with you" he makes me look at him, "your still Evelyn, the girl who fights for those she cares about, worries about silly things, strong enough to take bullets, rocks, anything at all, you won't change Eve" I shake my head, "I feel like I'm losing my humanity...and now I can't speak to Zaki, Victoria won't let me" I sniff again, "I'm scared I'm going to hurt you" Ethan's face softens, "no matter what you do, you can never hurt me" he kisses my forehead, I smile, "and secondly, we have somewhere to go, right?" He smiles widely, "that's right" he lets go of me, "I'll see you after, you should go rest up for a bit" I nod before walking away.

I enter, what is my new room, I close the door, walking past a mirror, my skin is now mostly black, it shines in the light above me, my eyes are now fully black too, a white pupil sits there though, my hair is still half strawberry blonde and the other side black, one thing that hasn't changed, and horns, they have come through, not fully though, but they crown around my head, they have a soft shade of blue through them, I have spikes starting to grow along my jaw and joints, I've become quiet ugly, even though many have told me, I still have my charm, but I don't feel that, I don't feel like me, I don't even look like me.

Not me...  

InvadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora