Chapter 11

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"Where are we going?" Leo yawns, rubbing his eye, "we got to keep moving" Ethan pulls the blinds open, "do we have too?" Leo whines, getting up "yes, we've been here for three days, we need to keep moving" Camila smiles a bit, before tying up her hair, a groan comes from 46, "what's your problem?" I ask, "just the idea of moving, why not go out there and kick their ass" I frown, she has been going on and on about fighting the Invaders "come on, 46, stop whining" Ethan tugs on her blankets, "Zoe" she snaps, causing us to stare at her, "stop calling me by that damn number, just call me Zoe, I mean you all call each other by their names" the room felt a shift, "Zoe uh?" Leo then starts to laugh "just a sweet name with such a bitchy person!" Zoe glares at him, before getting out of bed and hitting him. "Are you going to shower?" I look over, Camila tilts her head, "yea, I'll meet you outside" I smile, "okay" Camila smiles before walking to Ethan, I sigh before turning, heading towards the bathroom.

I open the door, steam creeps out, I walk to the mirror, dropping the towel, I stare at myself, my body gaining more black patches, I look thinner, I look longer, my hair is way too long for my liking, its black and red shading, if I looked normal, I probably be called an edgy teen or something, even my nails are longer, I'm going through changes, and only now I notice it? Even my eye color is going black, I look more and more like Zaki, that thought makes me feel sick. A sigh comes from me, before bending down and finding the clothes Zane had left me, a pair of black jeans, a white shirt with a butterfly, and a leather jacket, but wearing it with the way I look, sucks.

I walk out, Zaki sits on the bed, clearly waiting for me, "sorry" I pick up my bag, before walking to him "we can go now" his eyes move around, then stands, grabbing my arm, and drags me out of the room.

"Are you okay?" I run up to Ethan, "I'm fine" blood drips down his nose, "some jack ass thought it be funny to grope Camila" I look around, wanting to punch the prick, but no one is around. "Here" I hand him a tissue, he thanks me before placing it to his nose, Zaki clicks before walking forward, "what's up with him?" I shrug "who knows" Ethan tilts his head, "sounds about right" we start to walk, Zane was doing Leo's hair, putting it into a braid, Camila was talking to Hannah, while Zoe looked more sour face than ever.

"Say, want to get something to eat before we go on the next trip?" Zane smiles, "there's a real good place just nearby" "I wanna go!" Camila smiles "yea same!" Leo jumps in, "well, let's go" Ethan smiles, "what a waste of time" Zoe mumbles before following the group, I smile but before walking I noticed someone has been staring at us for a while now, but them noticing me staring at them made them turn away.

"What took you so long?" Camila asks, chewing on a bit of cake, "was taking in the sights" I smile before sitting next to her, Ethan slides next to me "I thought you would have liked this" he pushes a plate towards me, the cake was chocolate, covered in a white and pink icing, placed with a few fruits. "Thanks" I smile at him, "your welcome" I pick up a spoon, cutting a bit off, placing it in my mouth, a burst of sweetness dance with my taste buds, Ethan smiles "I take it you like it" I nod my head quickly, "always been a sweet tooth" he hums, "have I?" I ask, Camila tilts her head, "that sounds like a stupid question" I look at her, "really? I guess it never took my attention" I shrug my shoulders, "God, how blunt are you? Do you not even take notice of your own changes?" I shake my head "not really" Zoe glares, "well that's stupid" I sigh "I don't care about the changes, they haven't done anything to me, nothing painful, so, it doesn't bother me" Zoe glares more before biting into her pie. Ethan sighs "buzz kill" he mutters, Camila looks down, the table is now quiet, slight tension, anyone could feel it. "Pardon me" I look over, a male smiles at us, "is this yours?" he lifts his arm up, showing a bit of paper, "I believe not" Hannah answers, "are you sure?" he asks again, "I told you" Hannah starts, but nothing else was said, no reaction, nothing, until Hannah's head dropped to the table, smashing the glass, Camila screams, causing another gun fire, a gun fire, an actual gun fire, something that didn't go off in my head. I look, something clicked in my mind, Camila holds her arm, as the public panic and start to make their way out, Leo lifts up Hannah, she groans out in pain, thank god she's still alive, Ethan throws a knife, without my notice he's thrown two already at the male, I get up quickly, grabbing Camila, dragging her, Ethan follows behind us, "monsters!" the male calls, fire at us once more, "you are monsters! You are killing our people!" Glass shatters, we make it outside.

"Is she alright?" Ethan calls, Leo looks at Hannah "alive" gun shots, more of them, hit the ground, causing dust to dance with the air, a sharp pain hits my leg, I groan, before a click comes from Zaki, I check my leg, blood travels down my leg, "shit" I mutter, "freaks!" males shout, "your hurt" Camila cries, Zaki clicks again, but louder, each click is getting louder, the more blood that goes down, the more gun shots, the more names that are called, a male comes running towards us, pointing a gun, I can see it, I can see the outcome, the bullet hitting me, right through the neck, I can see my blood going over Camila and the scream she would let out, I can see it all, yet no pain, but a scream, not mine, or anyone I care for, blood however, was everywhere, Zaki had got in the way, took the bullet, then tore the male apart, his inside cover the streets of a beautiful city, blood seep into the cracks of the ground, then nothing, no gun fires, no names, nothing. The world went quiet, and the world saw us, with the creature that is meant to kill us all, and that means, we too, will become the next target. The world saw something ugly, and we're being saved by it.

Saved by a monster...    

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