Chapter 10

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A sigh comes from Zane, as we sit in our rented-out room, I told myself that once this over, I'm going to work my ass off so I can pay him back for all the train rides, the food, and the rooms we stay at. I look up, staring at the roof, the roof has small cracks, running along it like it's trying to come out, something hidden within the plaster of the wall, waiting for a victim to get close. Camila tugs my arm, causing me to look at her, "what's the matter?" I smile, she stares at me before looking down, "do you trust her?" I tilt my head, "what do you mean by that?" I ask, she moves a little "do you trust her? Do you think she'll throw us out when things get hard? She was always mean to her group, no wonder they went mad" I frown, Cam is never the type to talk bad about someone, so, hearing her say that is a shock, yet, I had the same doubt as well, but I know any harm towards me, Zaki won't think twice about killing her, but if she attacked and killed anyone from my group, before she attacked me, then there wouldn't be much point of allowing Zaki to kill her, and secondly, he only wants me alive so he can breed me, nothing more and nothing less. "Cam" I say softly, "if she shows any form of going to hurt us, I won't let her get any further than running up to you" her eyes look at me, before a smile creeps onto her face, "I know, I just don't want anyone hurt" I nod my head, she has a point, having our friends hurt or killed would hurt more than watching those other people murdered.

"Okay, what now?" 46 crosses her arms, "where are we anyway?" Zane sits down, "Italy" her eyes look at him, "why the hell are we in Italy?" she snaps, "because we can't get to far away but can't be close either" her foot taps, "their all joint, so that point is stupid, why not go further? Like China or something?" Zane stares at her, it's clear he's bothered by the reactions he's getting, Ethan sighs, "because, we could be a target, if we go further, they go further, we don't know how many have dropped yet, but the way everyone was sitting and enjoying their lunch, I'd say we just saw the first attack" "and that means more, so there is no point in hiding!" Ethan stands up, "if you don't like how we work, get lost" he points, "you only joined us, because we seemed to be the safer option" Camila nods, agreeing with Ethan, "you don't have a right to nod" the now more pissed off 46 snaps, "you're a child, you shouldn't listen to adults, or even be talking like one, so, cover your ears, just your mouth, and turn around" Camila frowns at this "you have no right to call me a child! I'm more grown up than a 'normal' teen" "a normal teen? Is that what you are? You think your something? Normal teens are being eaten and torn apart now a days, and you're sitting here telling me your more grown up? Please, don't make me laugh, you couldn't grow up, no matter how much crap you go through, acting like you're the only one that has been hurt is a joke, that's where you need to grow up" "well at least I know I'm a good person who wouldn't leave her team to die" "that's right, you wouldn't leave them behind, because you would be the first one to die, your weak and helpless, you need your big sister to keep you safe, what happens if your big sister isn't there anymore? what are you going to do then? cry? are you going to cry about it? roll into a sad ball, and cry, till someone comes along and kills you?" "You don't know that! I'm not a weak little girl! My sister will keep me safe! But I can keep myself safe too! You know nothing! You are nothing" a slap echo's throughout the room, Camila holds her cheek, tears perk her eyes, "see? proves my point, you're a weak little girl" Camila looks up at her, "I said I'm not weak!" a small scream came from the last word, even though it was small, it caused 46 to fall backwards, Camila covers her mouth, shock on her face, "sorry" she whispers, 46 scoffs, "whatever" she sits up, before getting up and walking out of the room.

Ethan sits next to me, "do you think that was a power or something?" I look at him, "could of been, and an odd one" I fiddle with my hair, "I didn't know they could do that" Ethan nods, "well, I'm sure you know who, can tell you about it" my eyes look over, Zaki stares out, watching anyone that walks by, "I know, but soon, he'll stop talking, I mean, he's given us a lot of information already, how long do you think he'll keep telling us?" "all we can do, is get as much information as possible, he still seems willing to tell you everything or what you want to know, it's painfully clear he doesn't like any of us" I nod "he hates you the most" "that's because, you love me, and he doesn't like it" I look at him, "I never said I loved you" Ethan smiles before standing, "you don't have too" and with that he walked off, leaving me alone with Zaki. Clicks come from him, making me look "I don't speak click" he turns towards me, before walking to me, his tail wraps around mine, "I'm going to kill him" I frown "it wouldn't hurt if you could say something like 'this planet is nice, humans taste bad and I won't eat them'" Zaki tilts his head "but that would be lying, humans don't like lairs" I shrug "sometimes a lie is fine, some people like to make others feel better" "so, telling you humans taste bad and I won't eat them, will make you feel better?" I sigh, "if it's a lie you can see through and know you won't keep it, then it's pointless" Zaki stares at me, clearly processing the new information I just gave him, "tell me something" I look up "what?" I ask, "if you could save one person out of your group, who would it be?" I stare, "my sister" "the girl that screamed and pushed things?" I nod, "she has nice skin" "that's creepy" Zaki moves a bit, before sitting down, even with me on the bed, he's still huge, "however, you don't look like, you don't even have the same DNA" "that's because, Camila isn't my actual sister, she was given to me and my mother when I was little" "mother?" "Yea, mother, she's a female human that helps create life, she also carries the baby, and gives birth to it" I pause, odd question though, I would of thought he would know what mother means, I mean he knows so much about the planet, and yet doesn't know what a mother is? "So, you will become a mother?" "If I wanted children" "you will have children" I tilt my head, "it's the same type thing, isn't it?" "What?" "you'll give birth to my eggs, that makes you a mother" I frown, honestly how did I forget about that, of course he turn something wonderful into something gross, "does it not make you a mother?" he asks, something about it made him sound innocent, but it's not going to fool me, I know what he wants, after that he will have nothing to do with me, and I aren't doing that, "I guess" I mutter, "change of topic" I quickly add before he can ask anymore, "what type of Invader has the power like Cam?" "Screaming girl?" I sigh "yes, screaming girl" Zaki shifts, "solider" "solider?" he nods, "so, you have rankings?" I ask, "per say" I tap my finger, "explain" "it's simple, I am on the top, I control the rankings, under me, is the lady's or breeders, under them is soldiers, and under them is life stock" I feel a slight sickness, "life stock?" he nods again, "you eat them?" he shakes his head "no, they're more of the distraction, we put them out first, really their harmless, they can still hurt you, but won't kill you, they can wound you enough to make you easy to kill by the soldiers" "so what were the ones that attack those people earlier?" "Those were mostly life stock" I freeze, life stock did that? Then what are the soldiers like? "Then about the breeders? Is their job just to breed?" he shakes his head, "no, they start off as soldiers, if they are good enough, they become breeders, that being said, they get stronger, they'll kill anyone or anything that gets too close to me or the eggs" I look down a bit, trying to picture it all, "do you normally cross breed?" "Not really, I have a few times, but normally the ones before me have" I look at him "before you?" "correct, it's an endless chain, let's say my mother gives birth to 30 eggs, 5 out of that 30 will make it, then it's selection, 3 out 5 make it, then they see, what you would call king, he picks 2 out of the 3, the 2 are sent off, we grow quite quickly, so, were not really babies at this point, sent into battle, whoever makes it, they get the new spot, and the king dies" "so, it's kind of like a spider" "a spider?" "uh-uh, but it's the female that dies after the babies are born or hatched, the male is normally eaten by the female after mating, when the mother dies, the babies either eat her remains or go off to find something else to eat" Zaki makes a sound, I would say a laugh, but it's like a growl with a slight hum to it, "it kind of works that way" I look up, "so, when you have your eggs, do you die?" "we don't always die, we can go and find somewhere quiet, peaceful, we can live for a very long time, if you and I were born at the same time, you lived to the normal life span of a human, I would still look young, and outlive you and your children, and their children and so on" "wonderful" I sigh, "it is, but if any of the eggs that make it through, they'll take my spot" I stare up, "take your spot uh?" he nods.

And I'm walking around with the biggest threat on the planet...

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