Chapter 22

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"You're doing great" Camila smiles, Elizabeth wobbles. I smile, as Elizabeth walks towards the pole, her hands reach out, as she grabs it, her leg wobbles still, she sighs, then smiles at us "I did it!" We clap our hands, she then sits down on the chair next to her, the door then opens. "Hello, children" Victoria hums, walking towards us, she tilts her head, "you're not one of mine" Elizabeth looks at her, "no, I was attacked by one of yours, however, it didn't kill me or turn me into a mindless monster, my body changed and went like the others" Victoria touches her hair, before her cheeks, "amazing, where did you grow up?" Elizabeth blinks "Australia" Victoria nods, "what part?" "Western" Elizabeth answers, "good education?" Elizabeth nods "I'm a doctor" Victoria smiles, "wonderful! You'll be useful then" Elizabeth tilts her head, I glare, treating her like she's trash and could be thrown away pisses me off.

"Eve, can I have a word?" Victoria opens the door, "only my friends call me Eve, you're not my friend" "I'm not?" Victoria pouts, before she lets me walk out the door, she closes the door behind me, "it's about the Invader" I look at her, "he's been smashing everything, we were nice enough to not put him in a tube, but I think we should till we go live" I look away, "that'll piss him off more" Victoria sighs, "I'll allow it this once, calm him, tell him to do as he is told, or he'll go into the tube" I nod, "on it" I walk off, heading to his room.

I open the door, she wasn't wrong, everything is broken, I sigh, before closing the door, which locks, I have to knock, and they check to see if it's me, then they'll let me out. "Zaki" I call, before I hear a thud, I look, Zaki stands up before hugging me, "why are you flipping it?" I ask, "if they stab me one more time, I'll kill them" he picks me up, taking me to the broken bed, "stab you?" "correct, they keep taking blood, I've been in the tube snice they took me here" "Victoria said you" "you believe that woman? She's not helping you, she will kill you if you mess up, and she's going to kill me, if you do it or not, I hate that human, I hate her more than any human on this planet, this is her fault, her fault" he growls, I pat his head, "if you keep this up, she'll put you back, you need to stop" "I don't like it when you're not in my sight" I look at him, his face has always been blanked, but this time it was a frown on his face, "you mean that?" I ask, "can't you feel it?" He asks, I look up, before he grabs my horns, "their nearly ready, soon, you and I can talk from far away" he runs his fingers along them, "how are the others?" "fine, Elizabeth is learning to walk again, Cam and Hannah are fine too" "and the male I don't like?" "he's fine too" I smile, he nods "how are you?" "what is with you?" I cut him off, "what do you mean?" "you never care about others" "I want to seem more human before we part" I tilt my head, "you think if you do, I won't kill you?" He shakes his head, "I know I will die, but was I just a monster to you?" I shake my head, "your annoying, gross, creepy, but you kept me safe for so long, and for some reason, there isn't hate towards you" "I'm sorry I couldn't save the boy" I look at him, "you can't even burry him, unless you can find anything inside of the Invader, which is here" my eyes widen, "it's here?" He nods, "you'll kill it too" he looks at me, "but I didn't kill the bitch, you did it before I could" I look away, I forgot about that, Emily said ages ago, that Zoe dies by Zaki, but I did it, I killed her, I killed her before he got the chance. "At least she didn't go mad I guess, though she cost Elizabeth to lose her leg" I blink, "did you just say, Elizabeth?" "I did" "you never call any of us by our name" "I like that human" "so, what was the other human's name that you liked?" "Jay" he answers, "uh" I sigh shaking my head, "your odd" I smile, "no more smashing things, okay?" "your leaving?" "have too" he looks around "I don't want you too" "well, you're going to put up with it" I get up, "one more thing" he grabs my arm, "what is it?" he presses against me, "don't listen to anything that monster tells you, she's lying to you and your family" I stare at him, before nodding.

I walk down the hallway, Zaki seemed slightly off, was it because he knew he was going to die, or is he trying to fool me too?

"How is he?" Ethan asks, "fine, I think he hit his head though, he asked how everyone was" "creepy" Hannah snickers, I smile, Camila looks at me, before looking away, I frown, still upset with me about yesterday, I look at Elizabeth, "I found out something though" "what's that?" She asks, "Zaki likes you" "he does?" "Yep, aren't you lucky, you're the only one to call you by your name" "what does he call us?" Ethan asks, "you are the male he doesn't like; Cam is screaming girl and Hannah had two, but now she's drama bitch" Hannah nods "I mean he isn't wrong, what was the other one?" "Bitch" I say bluntly, "ha! Even aliens know I'm a bitch!" She laughs, Ethan shakes his head, smiling.

"Eve" I roll over, "what's up?" I whisper, "sorry to wake you" I open my eyes, Elizabeth stands in front of me, "I can't sleep" "how did you get here?" I yawn, sitting up, "I wobbled" "you could of hurt yourself" I pull her to me, "let me see" I rub my eye, before lifting her dress up to her inner thighs, where the robot leg is, just sitting in the middle of her thigh, is all red, I lean over, grabbing cream, before rubbing it on her thigh, "sorry" she whispers, I shake my head, "it's fine, Cam gets rashes all the time" I know she's smiling at me, "you need to be more careful" "I know" she sighs, I look at her, "did you have a nightmare?" She shakes her head, "I kept waking up, and seeing things", I tilt my head "seeing what?" "people" she answers, "I got scared, so, I put the leg on, and quickly wobbled down here" I shake my head, "you can stay here" she looks at me, "you sure?" I nod, "of course" I smile, "thank you" she whispers, I grab the strap holding onto her leg, I take it off, making the robot leg come off, she crawls over to my side, I pull the covers up and over, she lays down, we both facing each other, "can I tell you something?" I nod "I think I could be a lesbian" she mutters, "what's wrong with that?" I ask, "I'm not sure if it's true though" I smile "you know, Leo told me the same thing a couple years ago, he wasn't sure about being gay" Elizabeth looks at me, "I wanted to tell you, because I knew you would be less judgmental" I rub her head, "I'll tell you this" "hm?" I lean closer, before whispering "I'm Bi, so you have nothing to be ashamed of" I move away a bit, "really?" I nod, "yep" "I thought you and Ethan were" "I don't know, I love him, and he loves me, but it's always been like that, we never said we're dating, nor say that we weren't" "do you love him a lot?" "I do" she smiles at me, it was somewhat sad, "I know he adores you, talks about you always" I laugh softly, "we did grow up together, even before the space stuff" she leans into me, hiding her face in my neck, "Liz" I say gently, "I trust you" she looks up at me "you do?" I nod, "I sure do" I smile, and for a moment, it felt like time froze, as her lips touched mine, soft, warm, sweet.


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