"Wha-wait! What about studying for potions?!" Marlene whined.

"I already know all of that!" Aries called out from past the door.

"Study with Sirius!" Remus called out as well before the door shut.

There was a moment of silence between Mindy and Marlene before Mindy made the next move to leave.

"Where do you think your going?" Marlene asked.

"Going to find myself better company." The Slytherin left in a heart beat.

Marlene sighed, but her thoughts pulled at her as well, "maybe I will go and study with Sirius...or try and find Lily in the library." The girl nodded to herself.

"Yeah, if Mindy and Aries get to leave, why can't I?" Marlene got up hastily and started towards the door, only to make a U-turn back to the bed, "might want to have my books so I can actually study." She laughed to herself, picking each of the heavy books up.


"So where are we going on this fine day?" Aries asked as Remus took her hand in his and lead the way towards the Black Lake.

"Huh, I thought you might remember. After all you can read my mind can't you?" Remus teased as she sent him a knowing look.

"You know that I've been using my legilimency less, so sod off and come off it. What are we doing at the Black Lake?" Aries asked as Remus stopped in front of a very familiar looking tree.

Remus only smirked and began untying his tie along with unbuttoning his white shirt. Aries eyes widened as the realization hit her like a sack of dungbombs.

"No." Aries said shaking her head and taking a step back, "absolutely not." Aries said crossing her arms, now understanding why the scene before her was so familiar.

The day Remus had dragged her there for a date and took her for a swim...only to find out she couldn't swim.

Of course it was rather romantic and sweet that Remus had kept ahold of her the entire time back then, she didn't want to be caught in broad daylight now.

"C'mon Aries, you know I'll hold you the whole time." Remus's smile softened at her obvious nerves, but it soon faded when he saw her do something so rare it was almost a shock.

She was scratching again.

Remus quickly took ahold of her hands, keeping them away from her body as he thread his fingers through hers, "no need to be nervous alright. You trust me, yeah?" Without hesitance Aries nodded.

Similar to last time, he began helping her out of her tie. Once again he started at the top of her button up shirt, but Aries quickly took his hands and gave him another knowing look.

The boy rolled his eyes and turned around, a smile now present on his face once more.

"Can I turn around now?" Remus asked as she tapped his shoulder letting him know she was done.

"Yes, Rem, you can turn around." She giggled softly.

He tingled at the nickname. Her laugh was nothing less than music to his ears as his smile only grew.

Though having a small problem...it was rather difficult for him not to look at her rather revealing body. Quickly the two stepped into the cool water of the lake, immediately encased from the heat of the late May air.

"Remus." Aries said, her nerves beginning to pick up the more the water flowed above her abdomin.

The boy only kept his hand intertwined with hers, taking her deeper and deeper until the fresh water was just below his shoulders. Aries began treading through the water, as she was shorter and couldn't stand, and kept grip on Remus' hands.

Already beginning to tire, Remus pulled her closer to him, Aries wrapping her arms around his neck, "see, not so bad. Better than last time." He spoke smooth and softly.

His words bringing comfort to Aries as her heart began to slow its pounding, "Why do you torture me. It's not like I have to learn how to how to swim." She asked.

Remus only chuckled, "not torture, Aries. It's fun to swim, you'll see when it gets easier. Plus it's cute when you wrap yourself around me." He said taking his wet hand and bringing a lock of her fallen hair behind her ear.

Aries only blushed, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Remus smiled when he felt hers, and all of his feelings toward the girl fluttering higher and higher towards the surface.


I'm back and bringing Remus and Aries back to the mix!!

Sorry it's been awhile since I've last updated, I've been rather busy lately and found time today to finish up the chapter!

Love y'all!


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