Chapter 24

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A/N: This will probably be the last chapter. As many of you know I haven't updated in a while. It's going to be all over the place as usual. I'm more adapted to writing shorter works. So I'm sorry if this upsets any of y'all. Thank you to all who have read this far.

"Mrs. Hatake, Mrs. Uchiha.... You're husbands are back this way. I think it would be best for your children to stay here in the waiting room. Hiroki should be back in here with them." You look at Rin as you tell all of them to sit down and wait.

Kazashi grabs your shirt and speaks up, "I want to see daddy!" She has tears in her eyes.

You kneel down to her level, "I know honey. I promise you will get to see him. Big brother Hiroki is gonna be with you until we can get you back there to see him. I'm sure they are still doing tests on him." She sheds a tear, "Okay, mommy." Sora grabs her hand to comfort her as they sit

You and Rin start to walk to the room. As you walk in you see a few nurses, Sakura (since she's a doctor), and then Obito in one bed and Kakashi in the other.

Both of them had bandages on them. Obito had one on his thigh, and one on his head. Kakashi just had a big one wrapped around his stomach.

"Sakura, what happened?" Rin asked. Both Obito and Kakashi were silent. "Well, they apparently ran up on a new enemy. Whoever he was managed to deeply cut Obito's arm, almost lost his arm. He also managed to knock him out by hitting his head on a rock. Kakashi got stabbed trough stomach. Trying to fight the enemy while trying to protect Obito." She explains.

You walk up to Kakashi sitting by his feet. "Must have been a real bad enemy huh? Do you have any idea who he was or where they were from?" You look at Kakashi, "I'm not too sure who they are yet. They seem like more than even Naruto could handle." You put your hand on his. "You know you scare me." You say, as you lean in to ruffle his hair.

As the nurses get done they leave. Sakura was about to leave but you get her attention. "Hey, Sakura. Can our kids come in now?" You ask. She smiles, "Sure thing. I'll let them know."

A few minutes pass and all the kids come in the room. Kazashi immediately hugged Kakashi, "Daddy, I love you! Please be okay!" She says looking into his eyes with tears.

"I'm okay, Kazashi. Hiroki and Sora, thank you for staying calm." He ruffles their hair.

To think I thought I was gonna lose him just 7 years ago.

A gentle squeeze from your hand moves you from your thoughts. Your now retired husband smiles at you. You were walking towards the stadium. It was time for the chunin exams. Both Sora and Kazashi are in it.

"Can't wait to see how they do. Hiroki did so well when it came his time." Kakashi says keeping his head in his book.

"Yeah, I just hope they don't get injured." You go back to your thoughts of those years ago.

*Timeskip to the exams*

"Next up, Sora Hatake versus Mika Hera." Lee states as the two children get onto the field.

Kakashi hears his son's name as he puts his book away. Then y'all suddenly hear another familiar voice.

"Mom, Dad." You both turn to see Hiroki. "Hey, you're back early from your mission." You say as he sits next to you. Kazashi then runs to her dad giving her a hug.

"Well I wanted to be back to see my brother and sister become chunin." Hiroki says.

Kazashi smiles towards her brother and hugs him.

The fight begins as you watch. "Go, Sora!" You and Hiroki cheer. Kazashi went back to wait because she was next.

Sora has become a master at genjutsu and ninjutsu. Unfortunately he isn't able to use his genjutsu, since he's so advanced in it. He was incredibly smart though, so he worked through that.

He had the other girl beat in no time.

"Sora Hatake, is the winner of the match." Lee announces. You, Kakashi, Hiroki and Kazashi clap and cheer the loudest for him. As a result, he blushes.

"Next is Kazashi Hatake versus Eren of the Sand."

Kazashi, she's mastered her taijutsu thanks to Lee and Guy. She's a little weaker in genjutsu, but she's great at ninjutsu. She struggles a bit with the boy she fights. Once she figured out how he fights though, she wins in no time.

"Kazashi Hatake is the winner."

Once everyone finishes fighting they get their uniform's to be chunin.

*Time skip to about 12 years later.*

Hiroki has gotten married and moved out. Kazashi was out on a mission, and Sora was running tasks around the village.

You and Kakashi were home alone. You were washing the dishes as he ate some soup he made.

You begin to hum and sway your hips. You then speak up as Kakashi comes and puts his hands around your waist from behind. "You know all those years ago I used to wonder what was beneath that mask, but now I get to see it everyday. Our kids would always ask, why does dad wear a mask? I would always say that's a mystery to many. You should ask him when you get older."

Kakashi nuzzles his head in your neck. "Well, I never thought I would get to marry someone as great as you. I'm glad you were the first woman to ever stay with someone who showed so little interest. I love you (y/n) Hatake."

He turns you around and you both share a sweet and passionate kiss.

"I love you too, Kakashi Hatake."

Little did you know Sora was right in the next room.

"Ewww, but they are so happy. I'm glad to call them mom and dad." Kazashi walks in and runs to hug everyone.

What a perfect family and life. To think that Kakashi actually let (y/n) find out what was beneath.

A/N: I know a cringy ending this is. But I hope you all liked the rest of the story. Until the next bit of writing I do on a different work. Such as a one shots book.

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