Chapter 22

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A/N: Kind of a crazy chapter, but felt the need to write this. Like said before, my writing is NOT going to match up with the story. Also this is kind of rushed as to that I'm try to finish writing this story before I go back to college in August. So enjoy. Let me know of some things you would like to see before this book ends or what you would like to see in the one shots book in the future.

Kakashi P.O.V.

I walk into the house, "(y/n)!" I call out no answer. So I go through searching the house. Kitchen, no. Living room no. Bedroom no. Hiroki's room no. Extra bedroom no. Where the hell is she?

I begin to feel tears running down my cheek, wetting my mask. How can I lose her? I never really have time for her or Hiroki anymore. She's pregnant because of one of the only nights we ever got to spend together. Im such a bad husband and father. Where could they be? I feel like something bad happened to them.

As I was searching frantically I head the door knob start to wiggle. The door slowly opens to reveal (y/n) holding a sleeping Hiroki. Some guy walks in behind her. I can't really see who he is since it's dark. "I'll get a hold of Kakashi so you can talk to him." (Y/n) says as she turns the light on. Once the lights are on her eyes look to me. "Kakashi, what are you doing out of your office, hun?"

I smile and run to hug her. "I was worried that something really bad happened to you two." I say. She speaks up, "Well, we did kind of get taken, but I talked with our kidnapper. He seems to be nice." I look at the stranger. Obito... Obito Uchiha.

"Hi, Kakashi..." Obito says. I couldn't help but try to attack him. So I jumped him. "You imposter! Why did you kidnap my wife and son?!" I started punching him.

(Y/n) broke up the fight. "Kakashi Hatake! You need to apologize. He told me what was going on and I figured if you two would talk with each other maybe just maybe y'all could get along again."

I can't help but feel bad that I wasn't here to protect her or Hiroki. Why did Obito have to do something so insane? I thought he had died so long ago. Does he know about Rin? I knew he had feelings for her.

"I'm sorry. I suppose I can talk with Obito before going to bed. So, Obito, care to have dinner with my family and I?" I ask my old friend.

He smiles. "Sure thing, Kakashi."

Time skip to eating dinner and back to normal P.O.V.

"Well congrats on the upcoming baby." Obito says taking a bite of his food. He makes a mmmm sound. "Wow, (y/n) you are a great cook. Did Kakashi ever tell you about the time he had cooked and Rin and I had eaten with him? That's probably one of my favorite memories."

You smile and say, "I think he might have. I bet you all were such great kids. I kind of wished I would have gotten to know Rin." Both Obito and Kakashi both had a look of sadness on their faces.

I think I know someone who can help them with their situation. We could have Rin back and she can be about our age. Now how do I contact this person. As much as I hate to since she is like my worst enemy. I'll talk to you.... Hana.

After dinner Obito decided he would go stay in an inn in the village.

The next morning Kakashi went off to work as you decided to ask Kurenai to watch Hiroki. You had about a 2 hour trip to travel.

"So, let me get this straight. You are planning to talk to an enemy of yours from your academy days.? This girl so happens to be a witch that can work with bringing people back? What if it doesn't work out? Obito Uchiha is back also?"

"Yes, but I'm sure it will work. She actually casted a few of her "spells" on me back in the day. Did you know my hair isn't actually (your hair color)? It's actually a very dark shade of purple, well my natural hair color. She some how got my genes messed up to show the hair color I got now. Resulting in my little Hiroki having the same hair color as me now." You explain.

Kurenai looked even more puzzled but you had to part ways.

Time skip to meeting Hana

"What do you want?" Hana says rudely. "Listen, Hana. I think it's time to grow up. Whatever happened all those years ago shouldn't bother us now. We are both happily married. You got to marry Rai. The reason I'm here though is to ask you a favor. I brought payment." You say to her.

She looks at you before sighing, "Fine, what is it you need?" You explain to her the whole situation about Rin.

"So you want me to bring back, a girl from your husband's childhood and for her to be the age he is now? Do you have a picture of her so I can know what she looks like? Also I will need to see if I have the things I need to cast the spell."

After gathering everything up and casting the spell. There standing in front of you and Hana was a woman. "Rin?" You say catching her attention.

She looks to you, "How do you know my name?" You smile to her and stand to be in front of her, "I am (y/n) Hatake. Kakashi Hatake's wife."

She looks surprised, "You mean my squad mate Kakashi? What about Obito? Are they both okay?"

Once explaining everything to Rin she gets a better understanding. You pay Hana and part ways with Rin tagging along with you.

"Sorry to mention this, but you are married to Kakashi right?" Rin asks. You nod. You could tell she was kind of upset but she put back on a smile. "Well, congrats to you two. I kind of liked Kakashi back when we were kids. Whenever I had died though, I realized Obito loved me in the way I loved Kakashi. I want to give Obito a chance. That is if he hasn't found someone new or gotten over me."

"Trust me he still loves you..."

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