Chapter 7

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"Kakashi, how is your team? Could you please explain them and their personalities to me?" You ask the jonin. "Why do you want to know, (y/n)?" He asks tilting his head, then getting up to get dressed. "I just figured I would need to know for future reference. I mean they are your students and we seem to be a couple now. I'm sure they come to visit you at times?" You tell him. He looks at you with a puzzled look. "Well, I guess so. Naruto Uzumaki is the knucklehead of the group. He has such a huge obsession with ramen. He doesn't have any parents since they had died protecting the village. He the son of Lord Fourth. Sakura Haruno she's kind of a hand full. She pretty much always after Sasuke. She is always arguing with Naruto, but she really does care about him. Sasuke Uchiha he's sort of a person who prefers to be alone. He finds both of his squad mates pretty annoying. He has a special bond with Naruto, though. His clan was wiped out with him being the only survivor. He seems to be even more secluded though ever since he got that curse Mark of his from Orochimaru." He explains. "Wait. The curse mark will it make Sasuke change in anyway? Like would you think it would make him go rogue?" You ask.

"Maybe, I mean it is Orochimaru's doing. Why do you ask? What has you so concerned?" He asks you. "Let's just say I had one crazy dream last night. I had a dream that Lady Tsunade put me in charge of your team while you and some other ninja go on a mission. Instead of Sasuke some other young ninja is in his place." You explain to him. He looks at you with a look of shock. "How often do you have dreams like this? Have any of them come true?" You think about what he asked. "I've only had one before this one. It was one about me going on a date with you. And it turned out to be true." Only the future could tell if your dream will come true. After you two eat breakfast, you head to the school to teach while he heads out to do a mission.

*Time skip to after classes have ended*

You were in the classroom grading the students' work when you hear a knock. "Come in." You say. The door then slowly opens to reveal Iruka with two cups. "Oh, hi Iruka." You say smiling at him. He returns the smile and then replies, "Hi, (y/n). I figured you would like something, so I brought you some tea." He hands you one of the cups. "Thank you." You take the cup and take a sip. Mmmm this is great. I really needed this.

"So, you still liking the job so far? How are things with you and Kakashi? That is if you don't mind me asking." The ninja says as he takes a seat on the edge of your desk. "The teaching is great. The students are all so wonderful. They do their work and are just so smart. They impress me so much at times. Things with Kakashi are amazing. He's so understanding. He listens to my opinions, what I have to say. He's so sweet at times. No one told me that Kakashi was such a nice cook and actually cleaned up well." You tell him. Iruka chuckles. "The students are something else. Kakashi he's just one of kind. He's sort of like Naruto and Sasuke. He lost his father. He doesn't really show any pain anymore, but I'm sure it's still on his mind from time to time. Maybe you can help him cope with it. I'm actually kind of glad he got a woman as great as you." He states. "Well, thank you. Even though I'm not the greatest out there." You tell him. Iruka then gets up, "I'll let you get back to work. I just wanted to come talk a bit. Maybe we could hang out sometime." He says walking out the door. "Yeah, sure thing." You call to him as he leaves the room.

Iruka is probably one of your best friends. Him, Shizune, and Kakashi are the only ones you have really gotten to know so far. Maybe I should get out more get to know some more ninja and citizens. You grade the last paper and then put them neatly on the corner of your desk. "Another day. It's not too late maybe I could walk around the village an talk to some people." You say walking out the classroom then walking out the building.

Just then you see Sakura, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten. "Hello, (y/n)-sensei." Sakura says. You blush. "Hi, girls. I'm not really a sensei though, I'm just a regular teacher. You can just call me, (y/n)." You tell her. "Oh, well okay. I overheard Lady Tsunade talking to Shizune talking about trying to talk you into being a sensei too. Kakashi sensei says you are just about as good of a ninja as him." Ino explains. "Hmm, really. I guess I could work with that. The only issue is it would have to be after school and on weekends. I'm away missions, though my class would have to be taught by someone else." You mention. "I'm sure, it will all work out. Do you wanna go to the sauna with us? We would like to get to know you a little." Tenten says with a smile. You nod in agreement. Y'all then walk towards the sauna.

Once you are all in, you each discuss how your days were. Then they start getting into love interests. "Hinata, I'm sure Naruto will realize your feelings towards them." Sakura says. Hinata blushes. "Sasuke is all mine, though." Sakura and Ino say at the same time looking at each other with annoyed looks. Tenten takes this opportunity to tell her interest, "I for one fine Neji pretty cute." You just chuckle, "well, you all got a while to think about the love ordeal." They all look at you then smirk, "Yeah, says the one who's got her a man. So how are things with Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asks. You immediately blush, "Uhm, maybe another time." All the girls look at you with looks of even more curiosity. "Okay, things are pretty great. He's the best guy I've been with. He so thoughtful and sweet." You tell them covering your now completely red face.

Just then you hear a knock on the door. In walks in Lady Tsunade with Shizune right behind. They are both wearing robes as if they're about to jump in also. "Excuse me, ladies, but I would like to talk to (y/n) in private." With that said Shizune walks the girls out. Maybe you could all hang out and talk. "What is it Lady Hokage?" You ask puzzled. Tsunade then takes off her robe and gets in. Once she gets situated she speaks. "(Y/n) I've been thinking. Kakashi states that you're as good as him and Guy in fighting skills. I was wondering if you would take this opportunity to think about maybe running a squad next year. If someone needs a squad leader this year, maybe you could fill in the spot." She explains. You think, "I would like to try, but what about my teaching?" You ask. "You could train your squad in evenings, or early in the morning and on weekends." She suggests. You sit quietly in thought then speak, "I would like to try. If anyone needs it this year I will help and then I will become a sensei for a squad next year." She nods, and then calls to Shizune. Shizune and the girls come back in and all get into the water. You all just talk about whatever comes to mine for the rest of the night.

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