Chapter 17

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*Skip to day of wedding* (short chapter)

You slowly flutter your eyes open. You turn his bed to see he's not there. "Oh, yeah. Today is the day. Mrs. Hatake." Since today was the day you two weren't supposed to see each other till the ceremony. You sit up in bed then get a uneasy feeling in your stomach. Oh no. Morning sickness. You dart to the bathroom letting go of what was of last nights dinner. "You are giving mom trouble aren't you little one?" You hold your stomach then go to mouthwash and brush your teeth.

"Kakashi, said we should come check on you." You turn around to see Kurenai and her baby. You give her a thumbs up. "So, you willing to help me today Kurenai?" She chuckles, "I'm not the only one here to help. Just then Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Tenten come around the corner. "Well first things first. I'm getting a shower. Y'all can go relax in the living room or if you're hungry you can find something to eat." They all exit for you to have some relaxing shower time.

The hot water drops and runs down your body. "Hmmm." You sound as you wash your self then your hair. As you rinse your put your hands on your stomach you can begin to see that your belly is growing. You smile, "I know you will be someone great." You then step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a towel.

"Tenten and I will work on your hair." Kurenai says. "Hinata and I will work on your makeup." Ino says. "I will make sure everything is okay with your dress and shoes and such." Sakura tells you. Wow. They are all so helpful. I wonder what my handsome groom is going to look like.

After what seems like 4 hours you were finally ready to make an appearance. Kakashi and all the family and friends were already at the ceremony spot.

As you walk towards your parents you see tears in their eyes. "Our beautiful baby girl." You hug them both. Your mom then walks in to sit. This is their first time ever meeting Kakashi. The only things they know about him are what I tell them in the letters I send them.

You then wrap your arm around your dad's and start to walk towards the door. "You ready?" You dad says looking at you. He then pushes the door open as you both walk through. Everyone turns to look at you. You smile as you and your dad walk down the aisle. Once getting to the end he lets go of you and hands you over to Kakashi. Your dad smiles at Kakashi, Kakashi gives his cute closed eye smile. "Thank you for allowing me to marry your daughter, sir." You dad shakes his hand. Then everyone quiets down, the pastor begins to speak.

"We are here today to join together two young people, man and woman, in this marriage ceremony." (I have no idea how a ceremony goes. Please bear with me. I'm only just now engaged)
"Kakashi Hatake, (y/n) (y/l/n), will become one. If there is anyone who would like to speak now please do so." Silence "Who is giving this woman to Mr. Hatake to be his own?" Your dad speaks up, "I, (your dad's name), give my daughter for Kakashi to have and hold." You smile to your dad letting a tear escape your eye.

"Alright, I will now start with the vows. Repeat after me (y/n)." (I'm just gonna put it all in one line because it's kind of tiring writing the same thing twice so close together. As Shikamaru would say, it's such a drag.)

"I, (y/n) (y/l/n), take you Kakashi Hatake, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." You state.

The pastor looks to Kakashi, "I, Kakashi Hatake, take you (y/n) (y/l/n), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"With the power invested to me, I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." You pull his mask down, but pull it so where the crowd couldn't see. You two then share a powerful passionate kiss. Clapping and cheers could be heard.

There was plenty of talking eating, and picture taking. You got a group with you girl friends and Kakashi got one with his guy friends. You even got a picture of just you two.

After the ceremony ended you all went home. You and Kakashi decided to have a little bit of private time, then fall asleep.

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